💚💙I am here for you 💚💙

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Louis POV
I try to calm my breathing down as Liam walks back in the door, I watch as he approaches my side looking at me with Curiosity.
" Lou, you are ok?, what just happened?".
I try to keep my voice from cracking but I can't,  I try to keep the tears from falling but They still flow.
" Why , why didn't one of you tell me what Harry does , Mark found absolutely pleasure of informing me how Harry makes his money, how many men he has killed  and how much blood he has spilled, I should have known , how did I not know".
" Louis it's ok, I am sorry you had to find out like that".
" Everyone  must think I am fucking stupid, that I couldn't tell what was going on, how could I be so blind?".
" You  know that Harry was just trying to keep you sheltered from that side of his life".
" I know but it still hurts , he should have told me ".
" Look  kid , he was going to tell you but he just wanted you to just live a normal life for awhile, he only did it out of his love for you".
" I hate him, if I hadn't been with him, none of this would have happened".
" Lou , if you weren't with us , you would probably still be living on the street or worse, you could be dead".
"Dead,  I want to be dead , I don't want to think of that man's hands on my body, his tongue licking down the side of my face, his teeth causing me so much pain, His fingers going in deep, I cant stop it Liam, I just want it to stop." I am sobbing so hard my throat is sore and my eyes are nearly swollen shut.
" It's all Harry's fault, being with him lead to this, I fucking hate him, I don't want to see him again".
" Lou try to calm down , you are working your self up buddy , I need you to calm down, your father is the monster here Lou, not Harry, Harry loves you with everything he has , I have never seen him like this , he has never loved anyone the way he loves you , and right now Lou, you are causing him pain, he is outside the door heartbroken because he doesn't know what he has done" .
" I don't care , I don't want to see him again, tell him I am done with him and he means nothing to me".
" Lou , I know you don't mean that buddy".
" I do , yes I do".
" Lou I am going to step out of the room for a bit and I will be back to check on you soon".
I watch as Liam leaves the room and I look down at Clifford.
" It's you  and me boy, That all I need , I don't need Harry fucking Styles" in my heart I know that it is not true but at the moment I need to be angry at someone and it just happens to be him.

Harry POV
I can hear Lou's yells from the hallway and I am fighting with myself not to run in there and take him in my arms , it is torture listening to the sobs coming from the room, I put my head up as I see Liam walk out and close the door behind him.
" What in the hell just happened?" I ask Him.
" Boss  he is just confused, he is blaming you with what happen to him, Mark told him want your do for a living and he is upset because he thinks being with you lead him to this".
I rub my hands over my face.
" I knew I should have told him".
" I told him that you keep it from him because you were trying to keep him safe, but at the moment he is looking for someone to blame and that someone is you, just give him some time and space for now and let him figure it out, I know he still loves you, the love that you two shared I have never seen before , it is so strong and I know you will get through this".
" Liam I just hate it , I am sitting here listening to his cry's and All I want to do is just  be in there and pull him into my arms and make everything alright again".
" I know boss, but at the moment we have to respect Lou's wishes , which is not for you to be near him, why don't you head down to the office take your mind off things".
My heart drops hearing these words, I know I have to follow what Liam said , but fuck it is so hard.
" Call me if he needs anything or anything does wrong".
" I will , I will stay with him, he is starting to talk about what happened,  so maybe talking through it might make him feel better".
I nod my head as I leave through the door, walking pass another door slamming my fist into it , I don't care about the pain that is radiating up my arm, as I strike it again.
I feel arms hold me from the back as Zayn comes around the front and I am sandwich between Naill and Zayn.
" Hey  we get it , Liam just filled us in, he will come around boss, he loves you , he is just trying to figure everything out".
" I want fucking Marks head, any sightings".
" Lets  go to the officer and go over a few things , yeah, come on it will take your mind off what is going on" .
I shake the boys off from their hold on me and walk ahead, each step is taken me further away from Lou and it's absolutely killing me.
We walk into the office and I head straight over to the liquor cabinet and Pour myself a whiskey downing it quickly, then I pour another.
" Boss , come on you never drink, don't let this start something you won't be able to stop".
I turn to Zayn with daggers in my eyes.
" Don't  fucking tell me I can't have a drink, I need a fucking drink Zayn" I down the 2nd glass slamming  it onto my desk.
" Now  catch me up on everything that has been going on" I demand.
It's been a few hours since I left Lou and I am starting to feel very agitated, I haven't touch him in hours, I haven't placed my lips against his soft ones, I haven't held him in my arms, I feel lost like I am missing a part of me , Like a rope with out a anchor, or a ship lost at sea without a compass.
It is taking my everything not to walk to his room and hold him in my arms.
How did I survive with out him, How did I even exist , now that I know this feeling I never want to live without it again.
I pick up my phone and dial the extension number hearing it picked up straight away.
" How is he" I ask .
" He is doing ok boss, he is talking a bit about what happened".
" Does he still not want to see me?".
I am meet with silence so I know the answer to that one, I slam the phone down and Stand needing something to take this pain away, I look at the liquor cabinet again eyeing  the bottle like it could be my best friend, but I know were  that will lead .
I walk out and to my room changing into my gym clothes , I head out the side door, pass security and I start to run, I run so fast,  Like I am being chased by something, I run to forget the pain I am feeling, I run to feel numb, imagines flashing in front of my eyes at the  sight of Lou when I found him, Imagines of his broken body , they are haunting my ever step.
More images fill my mind of the gorgeous boy I saw in the alley way, The sassy comments he throws at me , the love I have for him.
I come to rest at the side of the road against a tree , trying to pull breath into my lungs , My body is heaving as I lean over , I look around not really knowing how far I have come, I don't  recognise where  I am , I look at my watch to see I have lost hours out of my day , I have run so far and so fast away from everything I have left behind, I feel around for my phone realising in my haste that I don't have it.
" FUCK IT" I scream into the air " FUCK IT " I scream again .
I turn around and start the long trek back the way I had come, once my breath Has caught up I start a slow jog pacing myself as I go .
The noise of a car startles me as I see a familiar car coming towards me,  I stop as the car slows down in front of me.
The window goes down and Zayn sticks his head out in fury.
" Get in the fucking car " is all he saids.
I stand my ground and eye him back .
" What's  your fucking problem?, I went for a run".
" First of all , you went for a run without protection, second you didn't tell anyone where you were going  and  thirdly you don't have your phone on you".
I walk around to the other side of the car and climb in.
I hear Zayn talking on his phone.
" Yes I have him, yes we will be as quick as we can".
I watch as Zayn puts the phone down and turns the car around and guns the engine, my body gets flung forward from the sudden power.
" What the fuck Zayn" I yell at him.
" Lou needs you , he has been screaming for you for hours and know one could find you, he won't let anyone near him, we have all tried even Clifford can't calm him down, he is in a bad way".
I smash my hand against the dashboard, yelling out.
As soon as we come to a stop I am out the door and running as fast as my feet will carry me.
I hear his screams coming from the room before I even get near it.
" I want Harry, I want Harry, get him for me" he is yelling and crying and screaming as I make my way over to the door, I look in to see Lou in the corner of the room curled into a ball , Liam on the ground trying to get through to him, but He can't seem to see him.
I see instant relief on Liams Face  when he see me and he stands and walks over .
" Go to him , he is asking for you".
I walk over and sit myself down in front of Lou.
" Lou , baby" I gently say, I think at first he does hear me but in the next instance he jumps into my arms , his shoulders are shaking and his breathing is heavy , I gentle rock us until I to feel him calm down.
" I thought you had left me, I thought you were gone".
" Baby I would never leave you , not ever".
" I thought you left me because I said I hated you".
" Baby you are going to do a lot more then yell at me for me to leave you".
" I am sorry , I didn't mean to take it out on you".
" It's ok I have  a thick skin baby, I went out for a run, a very long run".
I feel Lou relax in my arms as he snuggles in, I turn to see a Liam re-enter the room, I stand up with Lou in my arms walk back over to the bed, I look around at the mess, there are wires and IV's and blood on the sheets.
" I don't want to get back in there, Harry don't make me , I want to be with you".
His grip around me is suffocating , his arms locked around my neck, his legs wrapped around my waist.
" Lou you are still quite sick I need to hook you back up to all IV , to give you more pain meds".
" I don't want to , Harry don't make me".
" Baby Liam knows what is best for you".
I watch as he puts his head down again on my shoulder and it breaks my heart, I turn and look at Liam.
" Is their a way we could compromise?".
Liam looks over to me " how about this , let Harry go and clean up , I will check you over and do a few test and if all looks good I will let you go to your room with Harry as Long as you listen to what I tell you that you have to do".
" Yes  Liam, yes I will do that".
I lay him on the bed.
" Baby I am just going to have a shower and I will be straight back ok I promise" .
His  arms are wrapped tightly around my neck not letting go, he brings one hand down
"  Pinky  promise" He said lifting his finger to meet mine.
I chuckle at this.
" Pinky  promise" I say as I entwine our fingers.

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