Chapter 2

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Normal POV

After a few minutes. The bells rang, sakura stood up and exited the classroom while she leave the five boys sulking

"I think the answer is cute face with an ugly personality" naruto stand up

"Give up" choji added

"Am I really an idiot?"

"Shika!" ino yelled "Don't believe on what she said, your the intelligent one of this class" she added

"Its okay ino, you don't need to say that" after what shika said, he laugh

"Hey shikamaru, don't--" choji was cut off

"HARUNO SAKURA! PREPARE YOURSELF!!!" ino shouted with an imaginary bear behind her

"Why bear?" naruto sweat dropped

"What made you all fired up?" temari smirked

Ino remained silent "C-cause I promise to shika's and choji's parent to protect them" ino explained, dreamily

"Still a protective friend" sasuke smirked

"Now, haruno sakura prepare yourself" ino smiled evily

"Scary" naruto shiver

- - -

"SAI!!! Your next" ino point him

"Huh? Why me?"

"Don't worry sai, you're hopeless" ino replied

'What kind of reason is that' naruto sweat dropped

"How about the others?" tenten asked

"Oh no, choji is out!" ino yelled

"W-why?" hinata asked a bit stuttered

"LOOK WHAT SHE'S DONE TO SHIKAMARU, WHAT IF SHE SAY THE WORD TO CHOJI!!!" ino yelled "I-I can't let that happen ever again!"

"IF YOU PUT THAT WAY, MY BROTHERS ARE OUT!!!" temari yelled as well

"Sai, give this to her" shikamaru said handing a paper over

"What is this?" he asked, looking at it

"A paper perhaps, its full of hard question that no one can solve, It means for genius only"

'I wonder if sakura can answer this' sasuke thought

- - -

They exited their classroom, the others take their break so it leaves sasuke, naruto, ino, temari, tenten, hinata, neji, kiba, shikamaru and sai following her

"We only have five minutes till break time is over, where the heck is she?!" naruto said, sasuke gave him a why-am-I-here-again look

"We've search the cafeteria, hallway, gym, restroom and school garden but she's nowhere" ino added

"Hmm, she's always reading, a cold girl, loner that means no friend..." neji whispered

"Place where she can be all alone" shikamaru said, thinking about it

"Rooftop!" ino mentioned

"Let's go there"

- - -

As they headed to the rooftop, they passed the library

"Sasuke, there she is!" naruto said, pushing sasuke to the side

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