Fifty Eight

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Demi stared at her mate that had thrown himself into work these past few days.

It'd been about three months since their wedding. Demi wasn't pregnant and it was beginning to discourage Onyx.

She could feel the self doubt and disappointment coming off of him in waves. Onyx felt as if he still wasn't enough for her, this was only making him feel worse.

He was more distant and Demi was trying not to take it personal. She knew he didn't mean it.

It was early in the morning as she fully entered his office. Onyx glanced up in surprise.

"You're up early," he trailed his gaze over her scantily clad form. He bit his lip before darting his eyes back to his papers.

Demi forced herself onto his lap, he grunted and placed a hand on her back to finally look into her eyes.

"I'm going to my parents later."

Onyx's eyes turned panicked for a moment, his heart beat picking up.

"Did I do some-"

"I'm just visiting handsome, relax," she pressed a gentle kiss to his temple.

"A-Are you sure?" he worried.

"I'm just helping my mom out with some work. I'll be back by dinner, maybe we can eat together tonight?" She had hopeful eyes and Onyx felt himself slacken. He had been neglecting his poor mate. All because of his own insecurities.

"Yeah, princess. We can do that, I'll get us something special hm?"

Demi smiled and kissed his lips longingly.

Soon enough, Demi was having to leave. She was meeting her mother but she wasn't exactly truthful with her mate.

"So you don't think it's because of Onyx's curse?" her mother rubbed her face in thought.

"I genuinely don't think so mama. Why would the curse leave him infertile but with a mate? It wasn't strong enough to leave him mateless, so how would it do one and not the other? I just feel like we're missing something."

Demi rung her hands together as she looked at her mother. "It's really making him upset, mom. And I don't know what to do. He's blaming himself and it's not like this is a quick fix."

Elora rolled her lips in thought. "And you haven't taken any elixirs since you've met him? Nothing at all?"

Demi furrowed her brow, trying to rack her brain to see if she was forgetting anything.

She twisted her mouth, "When I got my heat I was given a healing potion for pain. And a birth control elixir but I didn't get a good look at it, I don't know which one."

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