The Unbelievable

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( story told by "Jesse" )
Hi, I'm Jesse. You are about to find out about what happened to me.
I'm a sixteen year old girl.
I have to best friends but I'm friends with everyone. I'm not the popular type though.
Nobody has ever heard my story before, other than my grandmother. However, I am ready to spill out my secret that I have hidden.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" I said as I walked through the door of our two-story house on 423 Summerville avenue. I live with my mom, my dad and mom split up when I was five. He went into the military and was killed three years ago. Nobody answered, so I walked upstairs to my moms room. I knocked first, still no answer. I was a bit worried, but I blew it off and went to my room. I figured she had went to the store or something. So I went over to my room and started on my homework, I had like five pages. I tried to work on them but I was really worried about my mom, so I only finished two sheets by 4:00. "Wow" I said aloud, it had already been an hour since I'd gotten home. I was really worried.Then I got an idea. Normally when she would go somewhere before I got home, she would leave me a note on the fridge.
So of course, since I was a worried teen about her mom, I went down stairs to check.

When I was walking down the steps I decided that since I was already going into the kitchen that I was also thirsty. I walked down the steps and turned into the kitchen.

I walked toward the fridge and I let out my breath when I seen a post-it note with her handwriting on it. I was still curious to know where she had gone to so I got a closer. Close enough to pick it up. Then I seen that it wasn't what I expected. I thought I was mistaken at first, but I wasn't. I read it out loud, " go to my room, on my dresser, that will help you." That's all I said. I had to read it over three times before I comprehended what I was reading. My mom didn't just run to the store, she was somewhere different. Then I remembered that The note said to go upstairs to her room. On her dresser. I was so very curious, but then my tastebuds reminded me that I was thirsty. So I blew it off and got some sprite.
I went and sat down on the couch. I didn't want to sit in the silence so I turned on the tv. About five minutes later I got up. I couldn't take it. I had to go to my moms room and find out what was waiting for me.
so I looked at the tv, and realized that I needed to turn it off. I grabbed the remote and pressed the power button. then I turned toward the stairs, I was nervous. I didn't have any clue what was waiting for me on my moms dresser, but I do know that my heart was racing. I walked up the stairs, trying to stay calm. Then I realized that it's probably nothing more than a scavenger hunt she set up to keep me busy while she's gone, the thought of that made me feel better but it also made me excited. I can still remember the time she did that the first time, I was eight and I got home from school and she wasn't there, she knew that she wouldn't be home in time for me to arrive from school, so she set up a scavenger hunt around the house to keep me busy while she was away. I loved it. She did it two other times that year, then she decided to make it a yearly thing. She did it up until I was thirteen. She hasn't done it since. I kept walking up the stairs, but shortly after I thought of that, it turned into a jog up the stairs. It seemed like it had been forever when I finally got to her door, it was cracked open, the same as before, nothing strange so far, that was a good sign. I gently pushed the door and it creaked open. This house was fairly old. I walked toward her dresser, and sure enough, there it was another "clue", that it what she called them, the scavenger hunt hints. I picked it up, and was surprised to see an empty paper. Then I turned it over. " ahah, the found the real thing. Now go to "our secret place". That is the note that will help you." I did not understand at first. I was shocked, this was no normal scavenger hunt set up by my mom. If she set this up, this isn't a scavenger hunt.

I wasn't thinking straight, I sat down on the bed and tried to clear my mind.
"That is the note that will help you", the words played over in my head. Then I read the last part of the note out loud.
" go to our secret place. That is the note that will help you."
Then I understood. Our secret place. Under her bed beneath the creaky floorboards. It was a small space, closed off long ago. The previous owners did it, it was a basement but now it's a very small room. We used to hide there for fun.

I got up and moved the bed to the side enough to lift up the floorboards. I walked down the small stairs and, sure enough, it was there, a yellow index card taped to the wall. I was afraid to read it, I pulled it off the wall, I put it in my back pocket, walked up the little steps and put everything back in place. I ran down the hall to my room.

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