Chapter eleven

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I ran downstairs as fast as I could. I had to show my grandmother.

I ran through the house until I got to the front room. I found her and gave it to her. I couldn't speak. She read it, I knew because tears fell down her soft cheeks.

Then it clicked to me.

I started crying, I sat down on the floor and rocked back and forth, hugging my knees to my chest. I was by now balling!
My grandmother attempted to calm me down, but it didn't work. I stood up, holding my arms to my chest at this point. I was still crying uncontrollably.
Then I all of a sudden started to shake.
I didn't know what was happening. I fell down on the floor, then I must have blacked out because I have no idea what happened after that.

I woke up for a minute or two, to really bright flashing lights, ambulance lights, and a ton of people standing around me. I assume I was on a stretcher,but I wasn't positive.

Then I heard someone shout" she's awake!" Then I went into a seizure. I am epileptic.

The next time I woke up, was in the hospital. My grandmother was sitting in a chair beside me, it looked like she was praying.
I managed to ask her what happened.
"You were crying. A lot. You got up off the floor, stood up, then went into a seizure.
I called the ambulance. Then you blacked out.
The ambulance showed up sometime after. They carried you onto the stretcher. They strapped you down because you were still shaking.
About after five minutes of treatment you stopped shaking, you were still unconscious though.
They were about to put you in the truck when all of a sudden, you woke up, I knew it was no good getting excited. I knew what would happen. It did, you went into another seizure.
Then they put you in the truck, I rode with you. You were still shaking and the foam was coming out of your mouth. I thought you were gonna die, then we arrived to the hospital, and the doctor took you back and left me in the waiting room. Then he came back and I could have sworn that he was gonna tell me you had not made it, but you did, and he said that they had got you in a room and that you were asleep. They brought me back with you and now we are here." That's what she told me.
Then I fell asleep.

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