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Harry's classes had passed by painfully slowly for the remainder of the time until lunch, the boy wasn't paying attention in any of his classes, only thinking about if George and his friends were being sincere or not.

He really hoped they were, because he had never had friends before, they could do so many fun things together. Who knew? Maybe having friends would be good for him?  

What if they weren't though. He wouldn't be surprised. Why would anyone want to be friends with him? He's just a nobody, in a stupid little place in London. Nothing fucking special.

Either way, he really wanted to find out, Harry eagerly looked at the clock in the corner of the room, waiting for the bell to ring, so he could finally not be alone. He had never been excited for lunch before, always eating alone in the frigid cold, or eating in the back of the library, where no one would see him or talk to him.

He had spent a lot of time alone lately, just sitting in the walls of his room, staring at the wall, thinking. thinking about life, about the school, about everything. His mind was on overdrive, it never stopped running, he just needed a break.

Harry was startled out of his thoughts by the bell ringing loudly, echoing across the walls of the room, making it even louder. Harry cringed at the loud noise and started to walk towards the classroom.

He walked to his locker, careful to avoid the groups of kids clumping together in the hallway. He got his lunch and walked to the cafeteria, and looked around, searching for Josh, Sam, and George. He finally saw them sitting at the corner table, nearest to the windows and door. 

Harry took a deep breath and walked over to them, shyly taking a seat in the empty spot next to Josh. 

"Hey Harry", he said with a smile.

"hey", Harry stuttered back.

They all looked at each other for a second, Harry could feel his cheeks heating up with the awkwardness, Sam and George exchanged a sly look with Josh, and soon after launched back into their conversation about whether Elonour was dating Gigi or not.

"How have you been?", Josh finally asked Harry.

"Fine, what about you", Harry quietly replied.

"Alright, I've been alright", Josh said.

They just made small talk for the rest of the lunch period, laughing together and finding out useless facts about each other, like how Harry had an older sister that was now in college, and how Josh had no pets, but always wanted a snake.

Throughout the rest of the day, all Harry could think about was if the boys were faking it the whole time. Why would they ever want to be his friend? What did they see in him?

Through his classes, He just really hoped they were being sincere. 

For the next few weeks Harry, George, Josh, and Sam began to become really close. At lunch, they sat together, and every Friday they all went over to Sam's house to play video games. For the first time in a while, Harry didn't feel like shit, he actually had friends for once.

He still fucking hated himself and hated his body, and his life, but whenever he was with George, Josh, or Sam he felt that little bit of happiness that got him through the day. They talked to him about stupid shit, like random homework assignments and it was what Harry thought he needed. He missed it all.

Even though all he had been through with them, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, it was probably that he wasn't used to having friends. He was probably so used to being so lonely, that's how it was his whole life, it's all he had ever known.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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