Beginning to a New Year

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Harry, a young boy going to his 4th year of Hogwarts, carried his trunk up the long corridor of the train. At least it felt long, but the boy guessed it was due to his malnourishment, from the neglecting he experienced over the summer.

Harry's memories of being stuck in the Dursley's cupboard flashed in his mind before being struck out of his day dream , causing him to flinch. His 2 best friends, Ron and Hermione, were calling him

"Hey, Harry!", a familiar voice called from the lips of a red head with an assortment of freckles scattered across his face.

"Slow down, you mustn't run in the corridors!", yelled a voice from behind Ron, with messy hair flowing behind her, although it's more tamed than previous years.

These 2 simple people made his future Hogwarts' years a dream he would never forget. Little did the boy who lived know, another simple, yet unexpected, person would make not only the school year but the summers enjoyable.

Tomorrow, 7 am
Snape was already done studying his future lessons for the troublesome kids at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, once again a potions teacher, although the whole school knew he dreamed of being the DADA teacher.

His first class was a double potions with Gryffindor, who he hated, and Slytherin, his own house which he loved. He fully intended on making this year horrible from the start for the young Gryffindors, with a grim smile making its way through his usual mask of emotions.

30 minutes later, when students and teachers could finally start breakfast a crowd of people yawned in their seats as food magically appeared across the 4 long tables.

Colorful banners of silver and green, yellow and black, red and yellow, and lastly blue and brown scattered across the walls glooming down on the eating students. Each banner represented one of the four houses which were Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw.

Once the clock hit 8:50 students started rushing to their classes. Some staggered behind due to tiredness from last night. These few included Harry following the other Gryffindors from a distance to the dungeons.

'My first class was the class I hate the most, great.' Harry thought to himself as he made his way down the long winding stairs to the dungeon. When he got there his 2 friends Ron and Hermione were waiting for him at the back, worried sketched across their faces.

"Are you okay?" Hermione's sweet voice said in a whisper as they followed the professor into the dungeons.

Harry nodded, even though it was a partial lie and sat down at the front seat hoping to sit down as soon as possible, but this backfired soon.

Harry realized as class started that he was sitting right next to the stern professors seat.

"Great.", he mumbled to himself, not minding the fact that Hermione and Ron heard him loud and clear.

Snape rushed inside with his robes dramatically running behind him. Harry scoffed at how annoyingly dramatic his professor burst into the room, knowing he went back outside right before to strike fear into the students. And oh boy did it work.

Neville was practically shaking in his seats as the professor know as Severus Snape glared at his students. This amused the Slytherins greatly as Draco Malfoy snickered not caring if Snape heard.

Snape then pulled out his wand before you could even say the word 'Snivellus' and flicked it at the black board behind him as instructions to a peculiarly hard potion appeared on the board.

Harry sighed and regretfully took out his cauldron and potions book and started working on his potion.

Snape watched the boy carefully, looking like he was trying to burn holes into Potter's cauldron, hoping to catch Potter make a mistake and he would be able to give the boy who lived a zero on his first project of the year.

Unknowingly to Snape however, the boy didn't care about the potion and how pristine it was. All he thought about was the Dursley's and how they treated him that summer, seemingly worse after they found out about his "freak of a godfather." Tears rimmed his eyes, threatening to fall, this caught Snape's attention more than him making a mistake.

He looked curious at the young Gryffindor wondering why he felt worried for the spoiled pampered brat, but he quickly got rid of the worry as soon as it came and decided to questions him.

(Which he imagined doing in the most terrifying face he can make.)

"Potter." Snape's voice echoed through the dungeons as everyone got up to leave the dungeon in a hurry.

Harry froze, scared of what'll happen next Harry turned slowly to face his professor.

Although, he could seem to even glance a look at his eyes as he feared what he'd do if he looked at him.

"Come." Snape ordered across the room to the shivering boy. He didn't realize how frightened the boy was.

Harry slowly stumbled towards him and when he reached the desk covered in potion files from this morning's class, Snape gestured to sit down. Harry nodded and sat down in the chair, Snape's chair was oddly comfortable and he felt he could doze off if he couldn't feel the eyes piercing through his head.

Snape mumbled something inaudible to himself, most likely marking a comment at how Harry was being impolite due to the lack of eye contact. "Are you alright, you were about to cry in class." Snape forced the words out of his mouth, contorting his face to a look of disgust. His brows furrowed at the thought he had sounded like he had sympathy for this brat.

Harry almost shook his head left to right but caught himself and shook his head up and down. Snape took this as a rude gesture because he wouldn't speak. He slammed his fist on his desk and stood up quickly, not noticing the sob that came from the boy.

"Stop being a brat, Potter, and look at people WHEN THEY'RE SPEAKING TO YOU." Snape hissed at the boy.

Then Snape froze.

'Potter is crying?'

(Word count: 1037)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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