love sick?

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♪And if yoooou, you want me tooo, let make a moove~♪

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And if yoooou, you want me tooo, let make a moove~

Third person's POV

"How dare you kiss her" Xiao said as he send daggers of glare to childe. Childe on the other hand looks calm and is raising both of his hands in the air like he's surrendering. "Calm down there buddy, i don't know why you're so angry but I should be the one who's angry at you for interrupting our date" childe said as he cross his arms and looked at you who's also giving him some glares. "I don't care, Y/N has her own personal space." Xiao stated as Childe started laughing at him and said. "You're saying all of that but aren't you the one who's invading her personal space? I mean, hugging someone from behind is invading their personal space too y'know" Childe was obviously trying to hit a nerve on Xiao, obviously you wanted to stop them but seeing Xiao all jealous and protective towards you is stopping you from doing so, I mean who wouldn't miss a chance to see their crush being all cute,jealous, and protective to you around another guys?

"Unlike you fatui, I have my reasons why we're in this position now" Xiao answered as he hold on to you a little bit tighter than before, but not enough for you to get hurt ofc. "I have my reasons too because she was my date, but you? What's your relationship with Y/N anyways?" Childe ask and was really trying to hurt Xiao's pride. Xiao was about to answer but stopped because he doesn't know how to answer that. "I-" he couldn't answer childe at all! He couldn't utter any words words as childe let out a low chuckle. "Let's just go Y/N" Childe spoke as he grab your hand and tries to get you out from Xiao. Unfortunately for him this is Xiao and Xiao wouldn't easily give you like that so he hugs you tighter then walks back a little. On the other hand Childe would constantly try and grab you out of Xiao, and this childish actions of them fighting just to take you goes on for about a minute until you decided to stop them by screaming, "Will you guys both stop!? I can't breathe!!!!" Making both of them let go of you and give you some distance to collect yourself.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I just want to test how long his pride will last and draw his weapon" Childe whispered and you glared at him and said "You idiot! what if he really did grab his weapon and attack you wouldn't that mean I'm responsible for letting you guys kill each other!?" Childe only looked down on the ground as you then turn your head to Xiao, he seems to be deep in thought so you talked to childe once again. "I'll solve this trouble by myself now, thanks childe" you said as childe gives you a smile then said, "go for it" with a smirk on his face. You immediately know what his talking about and blush. "Not now, but soon" you said as you then went towards Xiao. "A-are you ok?" You spoke to get his attention and he answered "Yea, I'm fine" then glare at childe for awhile then turns towards you again. "Let's go" he said then suddenly pulled you close to him again then teleported.

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Kiss you by: One direction

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