Chapter Four: Breaking In

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Khayra quickly ran to the baths where Umbreen stood at the other end of the door, nearly knocking her friend over. They squealed as they tried to hold their balance, grabbing for each other. When they no longer were going to fall, they erupted into giggles.

"Sorry for having to cut your time short," Umbreen apologized, "I saw some guards on their rotations."

"You're fine. Thank you for playing along."

Umbreen gasped excitedly, dissolving into a fit of laughter, "I can't believe you told him you were me!"

"I didn't know what else I was supposed to do," she shrugged, "I couldn't exactly tell him the truth!"

"And what are you going to do about that?"

"About what?"

"Well he can't think you're the handmaid to the princess forever. He has to find out the truth sometime."

"He's not going to find out."

"But if—"

"This is nothing. I can't even convince my father to stop bringing me suitors, how would I convince him to let me start seeing a thief?"

Umbreen laughed, "I'm sure the Sultan would think any husband is better than none."

Khayra rolled her eyes, "Then you can talk to him."

"I don't think so."

"However, I do think we should discuss something," Khayra said, thoughtfully, "It's about your portrayal of me." Umbreen stiffened and she inhaled sharply.

"Have you ever seen his face?" Umbreen asked, desperate to change the subject.

"Do you think I act that way?"

"Listen, Khayra, you're my dearest friend and I would never lie to you," Umbreen placed her hands on Khayra's shoulders, "But you have to realize that this isn't about me. Or you for that matter. It's about that mysterious stranger that came to see you."

"His name is Altaïr."

"Altaïr," Umbreen swooned. Khayra rolled her eyes. "If you can't have him, do you mind if I do. After all he does think you're me."

"You think he has a thing for handmaids to the princess?" Khayra asked teasingly.

"You never know unless you try it."

"Then be my guest," Khayra insisted, "You could make a good impression during the midnight meeting."

"I think he meant for that to just be the two of you. Besides, it'll blow your cover if I come along too," she teased.

"I suppose you're right," Khayra sighed.

"Do you think you're actually going to go?"

Khayra shook her head, "Probably not. Unless it gets me away from Prince Augustus." Umbreen snorted.

"That man is more interested in his own reflection than anything else. I'm sure you don't worry about being at the center of his attention."

"Did you see his grand arrival?" Khayra scoffed. Umbreen raised her eyebrows teasingly at her friend.

"Of course, I did, it was hard to miss from the palace, I just didn't realize you did while traipsing around in the streets."

Khayra rolled her eyes. She shook her head, "I wonder how much he paid to arrive like that."

"What exactly are you thinking?" Umbreen frowned, her voice wavering with trepidation.

"When I was down there, all I saw was my people plagued by poverty. I never realized that there were people that lived like that," she sighed, sitting down on her lavish lounge chair. Umbreen smiled, showing as much sympathy as she could muster.

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