Part 4

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Arjun came out of Sam's cabin and was pondering on his words. He knew , if Sam gave someone a final call that means he is in real trouble.The thought of Riya being proposed by someone else itself made his blood boil. He could simply could never afford it. So he decided to propose her today itself.While wandering through the hallway of ETF, he heard the laughter of Choree . He saw that Riya was blushing profusely while choree laughing at her. Seeing the scene before him ,he knew they were teasing her with his name that made her blush this much. The thought itself made him suddenly feel proud and happy that he had goosebumps. This only made his resolve of proposing her today grow stronger. He turned onto his heels and moved towards Sam's cabin.Without any notification of him coming , he just barged inside the cabin making Sam jump from his chair shouting.

Sam:'what the hell Juno! don't you know that knocking on door before entering the room is a basic manner?'

Jun:'cut your crap Sam. Listen i'm not available till 4 and please don't just call me back to back.'

with that Arjun just went out of the room without even caring to give explanation to the highly confused and as well as irritated Sameer.

Seeing him go like that Sam just swore underneath his breath.

Soon Arjun went to his suv and drove to his destination.

Soon after some minutes a case was called upon and everyone were summoned in the conference room.

in conference room:

Sam:'guys there's a case we have to work.'

Riya:'sir, where is Arjun sir?'

On her question Choree along with Sam grinned ear to ear while Riya bent her head down in embarrassment and the other girls in confusion.

Sam:'well that idiot had some work , so he has informed me that he won't be available till 4.'

Soon everyone were working on the case. the case was very simple so they were able to complete their work before 4.

After that everyone were working on the completion of the file while Rathod sitting in the hall and was checking on the previous file that he need to sign.

Soon Arjun with all glory came to the conference hall.Seeing him ,finally Riya let out a most beautiful smile earning his smile in response too. Seeing him smile made the men in ETF happy while the womens in the ETF who had a mild confusion with their behavior had their shock of the year. Well ! seeing your only akdu and sadu boss smiling with all glory is definitely is a shock. They came from their shock only when Rathod asked him a question.

Sam:'Rawte where the hell did you go ? we had a case?'

Well Sam had a mild idea of what purpose he would have gone but still he loves to embrass Arjun .

On the other hand , Arjun got his play and decided to play along.

Arjun:'we had a case?what is it?'

Sam explained him about the simple murder of an older women just due to the jealousy of her daughter-in-law because her son would always would give priority to his mother rather even spending some time with his wife.

Sam:'now say me where did you go?'

Arjun:'well i went to buy ticket for the mega fair for all of us.'

Sam after asking the question to Arjun took water to drink which he spit out after hearing his answer. well he least expected this from him. he thought may be he must have went to make preparations for proposing riya but what happened is the rear opposite of it.

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