Part 3

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After completing the first aid that arjun needed, riya finally met his eyes. although they never interacted between themselves ,they always spoke many things through their eyes which was noticed by the other men in ETF but still kept quiet .same wise they were indulged in an intense eyelock wherein they asked each other about their wellness and conveyed their longing for each other and the love they had for each other . the men in ETF saw this and shook their heads since it was regular for them but the girls were still surprised at the turns of events that was unfolded in front of them. men of the ETF thought to tease the love birds a little and to also finally make them to speak their feeling out loud enough so that they be official. so they cleared their throats loud enough so that the love birds could finally come out of their stupor and so did happen. arjun frowned at rathod who was visibly enjoying his discomfort while riya blushed a deep shade of red and choree just pulled her out of the conference hall to tease her while arjun was glaring at them which they cared least.

rathod pulled arjun to his cabin to give him a earfull so that he could confess while leaving the girls all go mad.

at rathod's cabin:

arjun:'leave me sam. i will not leave this choree . how could they just take riya from the conference hall. what are you doing as a chief ?'

rathod:'oh , hello what should i do when they want to talk to her? and what is the role of a chief here?'

to this arjun rollled his eyes and huffed in utter irritation.

rathod:'okay , listen when are you going to propose to her?'

arjun:'she just came today, what's so hurry man?'

rathod:'oye, listen to me carefully, she is like a little sister to me . there are many boys in line for her and i have personally chosen many of them . if you don't propose to her today then i will give that chance to other men in queue.'

arjun (who was bewildered at his statement):'sam how could you do this to me, you know that i love her and so do she. and by the way why would she will accept some other man's proposal?'

rathod:'she will if i ask her to . what me to try?'

arjun:'no way. okay I 'll propose her today . okay? fine happy?'

rathod:'yes and do it soon.'

with this arjun literally ran out of the cabin leaving rathod to laugh heartily.

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