55. percentage

997 59 26

Suddenly Avu wake up breathing heavily and pancaking, sweat formed on her face

Avu kept her hand on her mouth as she was sleeping beside Sid She get up and went to washroom. She give 2-3 splash of water on her face

Avu(crying silently): I don't want those worst nightmares again plz don't show me that I hate that moment plz.. I hate that time at which I did that I don't want to get that horrible flashes of my past.

After that she wiped her face and went to sleep. 

Leap of semesters,

All have done the semesters very very well. now they were sitting at home as there result is going to come. all were in tension that what will be there results. yaa Sid was even in tension for his result as he don't want her mother to be sad.

Sid: when will the result come?

Avu: you are even tensed?

Sid: yes I have done my best 

Arishfa: the result will come at 1:00 pm

Luck: the time is 12:58

Abhi: result in 2 miutes

Vaish: I am getting tensed.

Ashi: now I get to know the value of  2 minutes

Ran: 1 minute left

Va: see If you all got numbers in 9 line we will surely go to mandir and do pooja todaj

All: okay

Jai: only 50 secs

Anu: ugh

Ri: oh god does it take this much time in 40 sec

Fais: now 40 

Ri: ya ya whtever.

Jannat: I wish result will be better .

Reem: 20 seconds

Avu: oh god fast fast fast.

Sid: hey only10 , 9 ,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0

Lucky: result came al open it.

All face were sad 😑 

Va: what happened you all didn't got good, Plz speak I am getting curious umm.. Avu you start.

Avu: I got 

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