Chapter 7

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Alright that looks like the last of them 'said Dalton. Ok let get back on the rode 'I said. Um Keeten 'Ethan said. What 'I said. There's 5 more phantom coming said 'Ethan said. Carp get ready for a lot of elites'I said. Then out of blue a falcon came and landed next to Ethan. Than a Spartan climb out of the falcon. Who are you 'I asked. I'm Spartan A17 Andrew 'he said. I was sent out to retrieve the master chef 'he said. That can't be right we were sent out to retrieve him 'said Ethan. Stand down I am a higher rank than you 'said Andrews.

Well we can all see were this is going. Don't forget to like and vote byyyyyyy. Sorry if it to short I had my iPad took up for Starr test.

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