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CEO's Infatuation◍

Dashia's POV

"Listen class! The final project for this semester is interviewing and seeing the life/lives of successful people. Write everything you can and make your points clear. Follow the given rubric since this will be more than half of your grade, 60% to be exact. They need to be someone that meets a lot of people's respect, no specifics as long as they're as I said SUCCESSFUL" our professor announced at the class giving out the rubrics for the project.

"You'll have the rest of the semester break to do this. Class dismissed!"

School finally ended and I immediately thought of looking up successful people online that's possible for me to interview. That's when Miss Adira Jewel Damon popped up on my screen. She's the youngest self made billionaire and CEO according to the internet.

I squealed in happiness. "This is freaking perfect!"

"Why didn't I even think of her in the first place?" I mentally face palmed before calling my brother.

"Hey sis, you called? You need anything?" Elijah asked on the other line.

"Guess what, I'm gonna visit! I'mma stay there for the whole semester break!" I happily informed him.

"You're joking right?" He said clearly not believing me. I couldn't blame him tho. He has invited me a ton of times to come visit him but I had always declined.

"I'm not, I really am" I reassured him keeping the excitement in.

"Seriously? Thank God! To be honest I've given up the last time I invited you, so what changed? Got a boyfriend or girlfriend living here?" He asked cheekily and I could already imagine his grinning face.

"Jeez no! But I'll tell you when I get there! Bye! I need to prepare my stuff" The call ended shortly after.

I eagerly prepared everything I needed and at the end of the day I was faced with more than 10 luggages. "Is this too much?" I thought for awhile before shrugging and decided not to leave any of the things I packed.

I'm gonna be staying there the whole break so I might as well take all the important things.

"I'm so gonna convince Elijah to help me with this project" I did my evil laugh before falling asleep looking forward for tomorrow.

London Here I Come!!!


Credits to all the pictures that will be used. They are not mine and is only found on the internet. However the story and plots are mine. ENJOY!


CEO's Infatuation🗝️ (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now