Chapter 2

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I was blinded by the sun that poured through my window as Matt ripped open my curtains.

"Come on Harri! We're late for school." Matt shouts and he chucks my clothes onto the bed as I roll over in complaint.

"Ugh, why are you doing this to me?" I cried, burying my head into my pillow only to have that ripped out from underneath me.

"You, brother, are the worst human being in the world." I mutter as I finally pull myself up.

"You say that everyday." He smiles in victory as I finally pull myself out of bed.

"Get out, I'm getting changed." I glare and he turns and leaves. Stupid brother.

This entire week had been utterly boring but thank god it was Friday today. The only bad thing was the fact that I had no plans at the weekend.

On my own at home once again.

Stripping out of my shorts and top, I quickly slip into some jeans and a tartan shirt, rolling the sleeves up and trying my hair up into a messy bun since I didn't have enough time to wash it.

Not having time to put on make up, I grab my bag and slip on my ballet flats before running outside to where Matt was in his truck.

"Finally." He sighs, starting the engine and pulling out of the drive.

I pulled a face at him and stared out the window. I saw my horrifying reflection and groaned in annoyance for not waking up early enough to sort myself out.

I looked gross. And now everyone in school is going to remember me for how gross I looked.

You see, I only started around a year ago since I went off with my Mom for while in Florida. I would always come back home to Mystic Falls but she was going through a rough patch.

Much to Matts dismay, he was left with Vicki alone. That's also the reason why he doesn't want me leaving anymore because of what happened to Vicki.

It's always hard losing a sister at my age because we were always so close to each other, and now she was just gone.

That is also the reason why Stefan and I were such good friends. We were both sort of newbies and decided to befriend each other, even though he still had that whole thing with Elena.

Anyway, distracting myself from that gloomy subject, I then realised that we were at school and Matt was just switching off the engine to the truck.

"Come on, we're late enough as it is." He complained, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the school.

There were barely any students outside since we were late so we managed to get inside easily.

Picking up a late slip each, Matt went off to his lesson and I headed off to the direction of mine, only to falter when Matt was gone.

I was tired, and hungry and just wanted to clean myself because of how gross I looked. I really didn't want anyone to see me like this.

Deciding against going to my language class, I made my way to the toilets instead.

I know, I know, camping out in the toilets is so lame but if I wanted to stay out of sight for half an hour until my next lesson started then that was the best place.

I turned a corner looking down at my phone and didn't foresee the person walking straight into me.

"Ah!" I cried out before falling down. Just as I went to cringe at the impact, nothing happened.

Once again, I looked up to see the bright blue eyes of Damon Salvatore.

He seemed a little shocked for words at first but then his signature smirk fell into place.

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