family problems

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Im starting the first chapter off with a little bit of angst~ and I'm not sorry. But it does get better towards the end. And remember most of the stories are in Tyler's point of view. Oh and this is kinda long.

Me,my mom and my dad were out doing errands. I didn't want to go but I had to. “Tyler!” I turned to look in the direction that it came from and I saw mei, Miriam,Abby,and Priya. “oh hey guys!” I said as I walked over to them as fast as I could. “so what are you guys doing?” I asked them. “well we were on our way to your house to tell you that 4 town is coming back to Toronto!” mei shouted,I couldn't believe it! They were coming back. I could see Aaron Z again. I jumped up and down with Abby,that was until my parents came out of the store yelling at each other. “guys you should go now!” I yell pushing them towards the park “what? Why?” Miriam asked with a hurt look “I can't explain now but-” I got caught off when my mother yelled for me. “I'll tell you later,just go to the park and watch me please? I might need help” that was the last thing I said before running over to my parents. They were screaming back and forth. So many people were staring at us. My head started to hurt so I backed up. (Remember there close to the road,so remember that) I grabbed the pole that was besides me because I felt sick. “How is it my fault that he's a weak stupid kid?!” my father yelled,I looked up at them and looked at him “what..?” others all around us were whispering,I looked behind me and my friends were staring at me well more like holding mei back. So they heard what he said.
“he's just a waste of space! He doesn't help with anything! He gets it from you!” my mother screamed. I looked down “but..I do help..” I mumbled out, everything was so quiet. I didn't like it. Even the cars have stopped moving everyone was watching. Someone could tell something bad was going to happen. But at some point the cars started moving again. There were still a few cars watching. This is were everything went down hill,I looked at my friends once more they were talking to each other probably about how to get me,I hoped. My parents continued to fight in front of everyone,then my father shouted something that made my heart stop. “Oh you really wanna see if I cared about if he's hurt? Let's see!” I looked at them with tears building up “what...?” but I wish I don't let go of the pole when I did. my mother grabbed me by my shirt so I was basically up in the air. “put me down!” I scream as tears rolled down my cheeks. She didn't listen “hey! Put him down!” some people who where watching were yelling at her. One man tired to move closer “if anyone moves closer I throw him!” he stopped moving knowing if she threw me..I was done for. It was My father who was the one who made the mistake. “put him down hun..” he said in a sweet voice,my mother was not having it. “oh I'll put him down!” just then she threw me into traffic. I managed to miss the car that went past but I hit the ground hard. I couldn't see very well and just as I sat up a saw a car coming right at me. I screamed trying to move into the middle of the road. But I couldn't,I couldn't fell my leg or arm they went numb. Just my luck.. “Guys! Help!” I yelled just then mei and the group ran towards me they got to me and started to help me up but the car collided with us. That's all I remember before blacking out.

Miriam's pov:
We were watching from the park. We were hold mei back from going full panda. Just the we heard Tyler's dad yell “Oh you really wanna see if I cared about if he's hurt? Let's see!” we were quite,then we decided to come up with a plan so we talked to each other. When we turned back around Tyler was off the ground. “guys..that's not good..” mei said just then we see Tyler get tossed. “tyler!” we yelled as we ran over to help him up. The we all got hit head on by the car. Mei manage to stop most of the impact in panda form but it still hurt us. I stood up but my leg was in pain,I went to check on the driver but it seemed to be a drunk driver. “drunk driver guys..” I said as I hobbled back over.
I helped Abby and Priya up.mei went back to normal but her back was bleeding and no one had their phones on them and people were just staring. Abby checked Tyler but he was unresponsive,which wasn't good. Just then the 4 town members came out of their car and ran over to us. “omg...” they were watching all of this happen. I almost fell because of my leg but Aaron T grabbed me and held me up “where are you hurt at?” he asked in a calm voice,like he's done this before. “my leg..” I said as I leaned into him. He nodded and picked me up and took me back to the car “I can walk still” I said to him,he smiled “I know,but not with that much pressure on your leg. We're heading to the hospital once everyone gets back.”  he grabbed a few things for my leg and he sat down next to me,he wrapped his arm around my waist so I was technically laying on him. Which I didn't mind and neither did he. Soon everyone was in the car. And everyone was with their favorite person.

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