death (good ending)

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So my 'friend'was doing her normal things again.. she also traumatized me because of all the fucking detail she added..and that's not the worst part. She has said way more worst things,and I'm sick of it! And yes she is still fucking doing it. I thought it was bad with encanto..I was so wrong... Anyways enjoy this!  But I kinda get her to stop. So I fine for now..( I didn't work..)

Also thanks for these people for playing a part!
Lynsannity23 a staff member (name is clairsse)

M0chiYo  a staff member (name Remy)

WearyAndMary   with Devon (name is Jayden)

Jayden_sin_to_much a staff member (name Tyler- tyl so we don't get him confused with the other Tyler-)

Nerushita  someone in the crowd (no name- but we'll call you... Neri)

Tyler texted the girls saying he couldn't go to the concert. And the girls were sad but they understood. They left and went to the concert. Tyler went downstairs and saw that his parents were fighting. “mom-” his mother angrily threw the knife she was hold at him. She picked another one and did it again. “oh...Tyler!” his dad looked at his mother. Tyler was barely standing when another one hit him and he fell into the portal that had open. Mei and the girls had gave the people their tickets and went in. It was already crowded. Tae looked out from behind the curtains “guys I already have a bad feeling about today..” Jesse walked over and hugged him “Im sure it's nothing” tae smiled and went to get in place. Jesse looked over at z and T “come on you two- get your clips on-” z was struggling “IM TRYING!” soon a staff member ran over(Tyl and not the Tyler in this-) “there? Was that so hard?” z rolled his eyes. “thanks” Tyl walked off. Z went to his spot and T got help from Remy who gave T a thumbs up “i like the Remy dude! He's chill!” T said as he got in his spot. But little did T know that his clip got clipped onto his shirt and his under strap. (The under strap is there so that the wings have a support) Remy didn't know either. And then there was the count down! Remy and Tyl went to either side and pulled the curtains up as the cages came up with a lot of fog around them. The girls were squealing! Mei wanted to go Panda really badly but she couldn't. Her mom told her that she couldn't always keep transforming back and forth. Her mother said that something bad could happen. So she just listened and jumped around super hyper. Stacy was on the roof of the stadium. She was watching her targets. “well..who should I go with first? Abby or Miriam?”  as she was decided a another person came by and sat with her “soon..all the chaos will happen.. starting with...tae..” Stacy smirked and put her focus back to Abby. “Too many,and where is Tyler? He was supposed to be here...” she let out a low huff. The guys shrugged but he grabbed a small ring out if his pocket. “this should bring him to us..” they both started laughing. Tae was in the air but he felt uneasy as he went back over the stage he felt a little tug on his cord. He looked up and his face expression dropped. Robaire looked over at him and then down at the staff members to get tae down. As they were making there way over the the levers. There was a snap. Robaire looked  over to were tae was supposed to be hanging,but he wasn't. Robaire slowly looked down and saw tae. “oh god..” everyone stared in horror. T and Jesse started freaking out “GET US DOWN!” mei covered her mouth and she took off running to the stage If she could transform she could help them down but the second she went full panda it killed her. She went back to normal and hit the ground,blood slowly filling a circle around her. “MEI!” Abby yelled. Priya cover her mouth and ran over to her. Miriam was in shock. Stacy and the guys stared. “well..I guess that's... that's something..” the staff members were all trying to get them down only clairsse managed to get Jesse down,Jesse went to go help them with the others. In the process of that people were running. Devon and Jayden stared at the ground at were tae was. Jayden grabbed Devon's hand and pulled him away “come on!!” Devon followed Jayden. There were many in the crowd who just stood there one being neir. Neri stared at everyone.  They didn't move a bit. After trying a whole lot to get the others down,robaire ended up upside down with the wires choking him. (Tae's cord got stuck since the were all freaking out it git caught up in Robaire's cord. And the weight threw him of balance) While this was happening Stacy threw the ring and it landed in the stage. It open a portal and Tyler appeared. Although,he was staring at his chest. Miriam looked up at him and ran over to him “holy shit..Tyler..” Tyler looked up at Miriam “bye miri....” Tyler fell backwards and hit the ground. He had three knifes stuck in his chest. Stacy threw a fit “No fair! I want to kill him!!” she whined. She got up but the guy besides her stopped her. “look, before the show I took a few bolts out of the sign. ” Stacy looked at the 4town sign. “why didn't it fall yet?” the guy shrugged. Miriam moved to call her family and she sat down with Abby and Priya. Jesse walked out under the sign to try and calm T and Z down. T saw the sign slip a little “Jesse! Move! The 'town' part of the sign moved!” Jesse looked at him confused. Priya saw it as well and started running. “Move!” Jesse turned around and just Before Priya got there the town part fell. Priya put her hands on her face. She pulled them away and saw the blood splatter in her face. She screamed. T started crying and z felt sick. Priya moved to the other side of the sign. Just then the 4 fell. Crushing her as well. Abby looked at Miriam “its...just us...” all the staff members were all shocked. Remy then smelt gas “is that gas?” clarisse looked at him “yeah..?” they look up and saw someone dumping the gas onto Z. “No!” Tyl took off to find out how they got up there. Z was freaking out as he tried ripping the wings off. T was trying his best not to move seeing that he had slip down and he was only hanging by the clip. “shit! T is going to choke!” Clairsse yelled as she went back to the lever's. Z saw a few Sparks. He looked at T. T understood and looked away. You could here the screams from Z as his wings cought on fire from the Sparks. T was crying but soon he couldn't breathe. For the under strap got pulled up and was crushed his ribs. It was very hard for him to breathe seeing that it was pulling on his shirt and under strap. His shirt was choking him when his ribs were being crushed at the same time. Miriam and Abby sat there crying. Abby got up and started running to her parents but got shot in the head by Stacy. Her parents stop and looked around they only saw a guy but he'd disappear in a second. Then they saw Stacy running to Miriam. They thought they were friends I told Miriam stumbled back holding her stomach “”she hit the ground. All the people who were watching live witness all of it. Many were crying or upset. Many of those people felt bad for mei and them. “those poor kids...they had so much left to live..” a woman said holding her husband in disbelief. They had two kids who were big fans and they were crying and hiding not wanting to see. Ming and Jin ran and held their daughter. Ming cried “i shouldn't have let her go..” Jin held his wife . Miriam's parents held her hand and cried over her body. Priya's parents sat by the signs.  Tyler's parents didn't show. Stacy got in a lot of trouble and so did the guy. Abby's parents held her close. The 4 town's parents looked horrified. They just watched all their sons die,rights in front of them...

Tyler  woke up drenched in sweat. He looked at the time. And grabbed his phone. Mei answer her phone “Mei!” Tyler said with a Shakey voice. “tyler? You ok?” mei asked with concern in here voice the room on her end went quiet. “no...I had a nightmare..” mei out her phone down and out it on speaker and hushed everyone. “can you tell me about it?” Tyler took a deep breath before talking “well..I died and so did everyone else...and all of 4 town...right in front of everyone...” mei was quite for a moment. “Im on my way to your house,is your window open?”  Tyler felt relieved “wait.. aren't you at the concert..?” “backstage!” Miriam shouted from a far “oh take your time their! Don't rush..” Tyler said. “but?” “no buts mei,I can wait a little bit” Tyler ended the call before mei could answer. Mei looked at the others and left. “hey,wait!” t called out. “can we come with? He sounds scared” mei nodded and all of 4 town went with the girls to Tyler's house. Tyler looked at his window and was shocked to see Z and T. He fell of his bed but got up quickly “Z?! T?!” he open his window enough for everyone to crawl in. Tyler hugged Z and T. He missed his boyfriends. Yet nobody knows that there together. Z rubbed Tyler's back. Everyone stared at them but they didn't mind. They all just talked and had fun threw the rest of the night.

Bad ending is in my other book. So go check that one out. I hoped you enjoyed!! Byeeeee I'll post the bad one a few minutes after this one. Also for some reason it keep moving so is it before the unexpected chapter? It after? NVM I fixed ittt!!!

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