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Reich's interactions with people weren't the greatest. Plenty he could feel the ever-boiling hatred for him. Most he could sense the constant fear of him so well it almost had a smell. It was palpable. A tangible scent. It clung to them like the smell of rain on a dog. Reich would grin at these scared people, showing all his sharp teeth until they scurried away.

In conclusion, he didn't interact with a lot of people except his leader and his party. Other than that, zero interaction/socialization. Reich became anti-social and kept to himself more and more often. His silence seemed deadly, but in reality, Reich didn't have the faintest clue of talking nonsense to some random. It was easier to torture a person than make polite talk.

But reporters report that Reich had two people he could speak easily and comfortably to. They were both his allies, but they didn't give any further explanation. One daring reporter asked of this topic. Reich's face transitioned from a polite, jovial expression to a face of warning. The nosy reporter had just set foot on grounds he shouldn't have stepped on. After that cardboard-swallowing experience, no one asked what Reich did in his free time again.

Sometimes when Reich was both talking and thinking at the same time, he'd stutter, which surprised people. No one expected Hitler's Scourge to have a problem with getting the words out. Reich just got so excited and impatient, his mind went quicker than his mouth, causing him to stammer or lose his train of thought. The Nazi party witnessed this first-hand. Reich sometimes (more like most of the time) drifted off into his own world in a state of ignorant bliss. Hitler had to clear his throat to get Reich back on track. 

When Reich got nervous, his eyes would flit about, never holding one's gaze for too long. He'd tap his finger on his side if he was standing or on his knee when he was sitting. Reich would feel the need to adjust his tie and hat a little too often.

When angry, you could just sense it before you could even see his expression. It was like the room dropped forty degrees when he walked in. There was a stormy look in his eyes with an even darker expression to go along with it. He would also grind his teeth together so hard, it would cause fractures in his teeth. Luckily, with him being a Countryhuman, the minor injuries would heal in a day.

Hardly there were times when Reich was sad. Why would he be? Perhaps a couple of times he felt silent than usual, or the thirst for more dissipated, or his energy levels decreased, or the constant thinking in his mind quieted.

Reich was sometimes brought into the torture room to get traitors to talk. In Reich's case, it was very easy. Reich had a talent for torturing and hurting people. Not only because he knew the ropes, but also because of his Ability. Continuing on, Reich would slowly begin the process with something small with a tiny bit of pain, like little cuts within the skin. Then it'd get worse. A couple of broken fingers, a bullet to the foot, et cetera. Reich felt no remorse and only felt excited when he did so. The thick, red blood stuck to his fingers. The moans of pain from the victim. The fear of death was visible in their eyes. The desire to make the pain stop.

It gave Reich a little thrill.

If by then, the tortured person miraculously held out, Reich would bring in a loved one or a friend and begin the process again. Usually, this was where they would break and plead with him not to hurt their beloved.

After extracting the information out of them, he'd shoot them in the head or if there was another person brought in, shoot them first. Cries of anguish filled the room shortly before another shot rang out.

All Reich could feel was a joy and the hunger for more.

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