Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Tess Pov
"Tess!" I looked to see who was calling me

"Hey Tori!" I stood up from my stool and hugged her, which by the way I'm at a food place I don't know the name of it

"Hey! So whatcha doing here?" We both sat down but right when I sat down again I got a text message

"Well I was here to hang out with you and Jules but I gotta head home. Tell Jules sorry for me but.... (Kiss On The Cheek) we'll all hang some other time, ya?" I got my purse while pushing my stool in

"Ok, but we don't get to see you a lot because of your step parents"

I know! and I'm sorry for that but they pay half of my tuition for college and I pay the rest, Bye, I Love You!" I yelled towards her

"I know and I Love You Too!"

.............At Home............

"Tess come and sit down" Henry (step father) said when I came through the door by the way as you can already tell I don't call my step parents mom or dad.

"Yes? Did something happen?" I said a bit scared thinking that my grandparents health is bad again

"Yes but you don't need to be scared or anything like that" Mal (Step mother) said

"Then? Why did you call me? Cause I was busy when you text me and it sounded like it was urgent" I was getting a bit upset

"Well I-"


"We don't need you anymore" Mal said looking at me more differently

"What do you mean by that? That you don't want me as your daughter-"

"(Scoff) Tess you could never be our daughter because we're p-"

"Henry! Don't! Spoil it. Now Tess we liked you but like your father said we don't need you anymore. So in other words we're putting you in a shelter for children starting tomorrow so they're gonna pick you up bright and early tomorrow. Now don't give us that face. This is best for us all and besides your birthday is coming soon so think of this as your early gift from us. Hope you like it, bye Tess!" Mal said

"(Sigh) Whatever" I said and  just walked away and walked down the hall towards my room to start packing my stuff.

"Wake up you lazy wimp" I then got poured freezing water on my body

"Hey! What was that for!" I yelled and jumped out of the bed

"Don't yell at me. I am your step mother-"

Well not anymore and why did you wake me up at...." I looked at my nightstand that had my alarm clock

".... Six in the morning! The shelter does not open until nine?!"

"Yes and I know but they will be picking up the newbie's at seven so get ready"

"What?! This is so like you! Always waking me way to early or actually like right now way to late" I then slam the door shut

"TESS!" I ignored her and finished packing up

.............At The Shelter...........

"Hey there Tess, I'm Mr. Ernesto and I work here so you'll be seeing me a whole lot" this young middle age man came up to me when I walked inside

"Ok show me my room" And I know that I'm giving him a bit of an attitude and I also know it's not his fault that I'm here but in my defense I am not letting anyone feel sorry for me and that includes Mr. Ernesto. We stopped in front of a door

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