Chapter 6

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Brandon Pov
"Stop or I will shoot!" Ana is scared. which makes me scared. It's weird I know but that is how I feel right now looking at her in this situation. When I look at her I don't see the same cowardly young girl who betrayed me and our parents to join Mal and I don't hear the excuses she tells me after. When I look at her I see the girl who held me tight in the funeral of our parents and told me it would be alright. I think of all those nice things/memories we had together of how much of a big sister she is to me watching over me then the bad things she has done. I love her no matter what even though I forget to tell her how much she means to me. She thinks that I have a suit that protects us from the poison but I don't. She does which is why I lied to her. what kind of a brother will I be if I didn't? All I can think of, all I can hear in my mind are my words to her a few days ago when I figured out that she betrayed me AGAIN!

'I would never deliver you to your grave, you broke the promise you made us (parents)You piece of trash!'

"ANA," I said

"Give me the backpack" in the backpack are the things that Ana has to open the doors

"What?!" She said I slipped my hand from under my shirt and grabbed my gun that I got from the floor on the way to meet Christiana

"Give me the backpack"

"Brandon, no." She shakes her head at me

"No I won't let you do that" I half smiled at her

"Put the weapon down!" A guy that works for Mal and Harry screamed at the end of the hallway

"Put down your weapon or I will fire"

" I might survive the poison" I say even though we both knew I was lying but I had to continue my lie in order for her to live

"You almost died last month because-"

"I'm good at fighting the poison and last month Vic gave me a truth serum which is totally different from this. So there's a chance I'll survive and also don't you remember when you and Vic gave me the truth Serum last month too?" I got a nod knowing I almost had her convinced

"Yeah the day I killed them" she said with a sad smile

"So there's no chance you would survive. Give me the backpack or I'll shoot you an arm and take it from you" then I raise my voice so that the guard can hear me

"She is my hostage come any closer and I WILL kill my sister" in that moment she reminds me when she wanted to do what people were telling her to do like pleasing everyone and when she couldn't she will give you a sad smile like saying sorry I couldn't or can't do it so I can tell she missed to do her makeup because she did half of her right eyelash on the left that does not have no makeup on, sorry I'm not good at this girl stuff but I think you know what I mean anyway she hands me the backpack was shaking hands and I quickly grab it and put it on I keep my gun pointed at her and shipped so she is in front of me I had to down to your height so that way the guard won't shoot me

"And Ana...." I say

"..... I'll tell our parents hi for you in case I don't-"

"No! Please come back to me don't leave me"

"No, Christiana let me finish....make it alive, okay?" She smiles again with a very hurtful look on her beautiful face while tears falling down

"I love you Bran sorry for the trouble and horrible things I did to you and our parents" she said meaning it like I never heard her say before because she isn't that girl that apologizes to people

"I Love you too big sis Anna" I tell her knowing she'll remember when I was a five year old that a teacher was asking me who she was and that is what I told him. That's when she lost it she fell to the floor crying so loud that I think the guard thought I knifed her or something because he was slowly walking toward us with his gun held high ready to fire

"Ana listen before I leave if I don't survive," I tell her hedging down still looking at the man who's getting closer by every minute

"Tell Tess I didn't want to leave her" when I get a nod coming from the corner of my eye I get back up and back up again aiming over Christanana's shoulder at the guy. I shot the guy not sure where but that was for sure I wasn't going to stay to find out. I hear a pained yell and I run in the other direction away from Ana and the guy . I ran a zigzag path so he wouldn't have an easier shot to shoot me like the way Jason taught me when I began working as a royal guard. I ran around the corner and a bullet hit the wall right behind me, putting a hole in it. As I take the backpack off and open it....I'm here.... I hear a spraying sound like when you spray water on your hair to comb it down well it's not water spraying it's the poison floating in the air waiting for it's victim. I also keep telling myself

'I CAN and WILL survive this!'

Even though deep down there might be a chance I might not make it. I step into the hall. The poison smells like smoke and pumpkin spice. I immediately want to throw up with the smell of the room when the doors open up. I cough and I am swallowed whole by darkness. I bent to my knees. That's
When I feel an invisible thread tugging   me towards the darkness again but I imagine that tug as my parents want me to cross over to them. That thread tugs harder this time but I start naming names in my head ignoring that tug Mom, Dad, Ana, Tess, Alex, Jason, Jake, Josh I LOVE YOU ALL, Don't Forget that! I can't fight off  the poison anymore. I thought I could but I was wrong sorry Anna please forgive me
'But it would be nice to just leave and not worry about anything anymore' I thought to myself but the war! The desire to live I'm not done yet, not yet just a couple more minutes. I twist and lunge towards the Device. A gun goes off and pain runs through my body I don't even know where the bullet hit me but all I know is that I black out

...........Ten Minutes Later............

I hear a beep and a loud sound. I wake up feeling something warm on my neck and under my rib cage and when I touch my rib cage with my hand I see that my hand is covered with blood. That's when I saw two figures walking towards me, my parents. A million questions came into my head, ignoring what I had to do. The reason why I came here. Are they alive? They were alive this whole time and they never once came to see me or Anna? They walked out from behind these strange white doors I have never seen before. I immediately answered my own questions. No, they're dead. That's why they didn't come to see us because they're dressed in the same clothes they were the last time I saw them before Ana killed them in their church clothes. They still also have the iron bullets that kill vampires in their clothes. Though I could see their own blood it looks like it doesn't hurt them or they might be ignoring the pain. I don't know but I'm happy to see them again. Mom kneels next to me while dad stands next to her still smiling at me

"Hi Brandon" mom says and she wipes away my tears while cupping my face with her small hands I smile at her and to dad I'm happy to see them

"Did I do it? Did I save them or not?" I asked, hoping I did my best to save the day and to win this war for my family I made there. Hopefully they'll remember my name, right? But I'm not sure if I actually say this or if I just think that I am but I know this is a dream that will never end.

"Yes" dad says his eyes bright with tears

"My dear little boy you've done so well that they will remember you as a Big hero, son" I smile with teeth and close my eyes for the last time. I feel the threat tugging at me again and this time I know that it isn't some devil dragging me towards my grave. This time for sure I know it's my parents hands drawing me with them to heaven, can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here?

Christiana Pov
The guard that was with me and Brandon left me to go chase after him. I was walking out of the Castle when I saw Tess

"Christiana? I thought Jared said...... where is Brandon?"


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