Chapter 3

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Tess Pov
........... Weeks Later..........

I woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfast. I went to the bathroom and did my business then afterwards got ready for the day. I walked in the kitchen and saw mom cooking pancakes while dad was chopping up strawberries

"Good morning!" I say happily standing next to dad

"Good morning and happy birthday sweetie" my dad said putting down his knife down and gave me a hug

"I didn't think you know-"

"Honey, why wouldn't we? You became our daughter since the day we adopted you and didn't you celebrate it with your stepparents?" My mom said while turning around to look at me while dad did the same

"Well Yes but that changed when they died and I started living with my step parents. They were horrible step parents so I just don't mention my birthday anymore. Just wishing that my parents never died but the great thing about it is that I would've never met you both because ...." I then gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"..... Both of you came into my life and I will always cherish less important seats in danger" I smiled at them with tears in my eyes

"Well thank you and forget about those stepparents of yours because we will always be there when you need us in the human world or vampire. Just remember that we will never replace your birth parents. We just hope that you count this as your second parents, okay?"

"Ok thank you dad"

"Now today is your special day so we have a busy day ahead of us so eat up and then we will leave" mom said getting plates out and serving the food

"O-ok. What are you both planning today?" I am just getting my plate from her and sitting down

"Well that's for us to know and for you to find out now hurry up or will be late" mom said sitting down too


The whole day went super awesome because my parents took me to the movies and we watched (Reader chooses the movie they watched). That I was dying to see, after that we went to the ice rink and there we met the twins and their parents then we went to my favorite place to eat burgers which the twins came and ate with us. We walked along the beach. That was when I said bye to the twins and we departed our ways. To end the day we just got out of BJ's and we're heading home now.

"Thank you for this wonderful day. I enjoyed it very much. which....." I sense that something wasn't right

"Dad, turn right at the upcoming street" I said and turned around to look behind our car

"Why? Our house isn't down Pittsburgh Road" I turned to see dad

"Just do as I say and I'll explain it later" once we turned the street I looked at my parents but notice that the two cars behind us have been following us since we left the restaurant (BJ's)

"Alright don't freak out and also don't speed up either but we're being followed..... DAD! What did I just say! Don't speed up you just told them that you know that they are following us"

"I know! It's my job to keep you both safe and sound"

"I know but I need you to leave-"

"Absolutely not! you are my daughter and I am your father I am the one that has to protect my family so we're gonna go to the police-"

"How? If it's 9:45 pm in case you have not noticed, it's closed. Also their my kind because I recognize the driver he's a vampire so let me find out why they are following us, please dad?!"

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