Return from the Hospital

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I know I'm a little late on this, but hey, better late than never. It's a bit short though, but I'm fine with it. Enjoy.

Meggy woke up to the happy face of Mario, who was waiting for her to wake up and even had instant noodles prepared.

Mario: Morning, my love, and also new mother.

Meggy: Aww, hi, Mario. Thank you for doing this, you shouldn't have.

Mario: It's the least I could do since today's the day you return home, and I can't wait that long. 😅

Meggy: Just set the bowl beside me, I'll eat as soon as I fully wake up. You can wait in the waiting room, it might be an hour until I'm ready to go.

Mario: Aww, okie dokie.

He walked out, leaving Meggy with the instant noodles, as meanwhile in the other room, Smesh woke up, feeling mostly healed up from the wound in his head. Infinite and Cristina waited for him too, both asleep.

Smesh: Aww... wake up, guys.

Slowly, they both wake up and smiled because Smesh gets out today too.

Infinite: Morning, bestie.

Smesh: What're both of you doing here?

Cristina: We couldn't wait to take my hero back home.

She patted Smesh on his forehead, soothing him.

Smesh: Mmm... well, today's the day I'm finally out of here. It was a good time because both of you were here for me all the way, but the headaches were really bad.

Infinite: I know it's the first time you cheated death like I did about... 3 times, so you will feel some scars after the incident, but they'll go away.

Smesh: Good to hear. And Cristie, how's the therapy going?

Cristina: It's going good so far. I know it'll be lonely without me around for the next month, but it's for my own good.

Smesh: Glad things are going up for you, especially after the... you know...

Cristina: Yeah... slowly but surely, I'll be completely back to my old cheery loving self again.

Mario then walked in.

Mario: Hey, you got a minute?

Infinite: Hey, Mario, what's up?

Mario: Well, I was wondering, now that we have a child, I need to know... how do you take care of one? I'm too smol brained to do it.

Infinite: Don't worry, I will teach you while we wait for our friends to leave.

Cristina: And also, if you need a babysitter, let any of us know, but preferably me and Smesh, lord knows we need the training ourselves for our child.

Mario: Wait, you-

Smesh: Yes. Let's not get into too much detail.

Mario: Noice.

While Infinite started teaching Mario about being a father, the others waited for the doctors to give them the thumbs up so they can leave.

1 hour later

Mario: So you're saying I have to change the diaper?

Infinite: Yes.

Mario: It's times like this that make me wish I don't have a nose.

Then a doctor walked up to them.

Doctor: Hey, are you both friends of the patients?

Infinite: Yeah, I'm Smesh's best friend, how is he?

Mario: And I'm Meggy's husband. Are we good to go?

Doctor: They're both just fine. And Mario, I wish you good luck on fatherhood. I'm glad I have my wonderful daughter, but at first, it ain't easy.

Mario: Thanks, updoc.

Doctor: Nice try.

Mario: Shet!

Infinite walked back over to Smesh's room, and Cristina was trying to hold him up. He was very stiff and could barely walk.

Cristina: Can you help me over here, Infinite?

Infinite: Of course.

Cristina and Infinite both held him by his arms.

Smesh: I can barely move...

Infinite: I know that feeling... but I assure you, you'll be back to your normal healthy self in a day or two.

Smesh: Thanks for being here for me.

Cristina: No problem, it's the least we could do to congratulate you on what you did for me.

Infinite: We'll be home soon, we just gotta wait for the new parents first.

Back to Mario and Meggy, he came over to her room and she was in a wheelchair, holding Sylvia.

Mario: Our sweet, sweet Sylvia... hey, little fella.

Meggy: I'm so glad this was given to us.

Mario: Infinite taught me about being a father while we were waiting, so I hope I do my best.

Meggy: As long as our little angel is happy and healthy, you don't have to worry a thing. I'll help you out as we go along.

Mario: Thanks, Megs.

They both kissed each other, and then they told Smesh, Cristina, and Infinite that it's time to go.

Infinite: I'll bring us home quickly, just give me a sec.

Infinite teleported Mario and Meggy over to their mansion, where they'll start taking care of their child, and then teleported Smesh and Cristina to their mansion. He also came to help Smesh, and their friends were waiting inside. Cristina opened the door and walked him in.

Jacqueline: Welcome back, Smesh!

Crystal: Good to have you back!

Smesh: Wow...! Thanks, you're all too kind. I just need to relax right now and then the stiffness would go away.

Kristina: We understand, take as much time as you want. But at least you still got us.

Smesh: No problem.

Cristina walked him over to the couch and he crashed onto it.

Smesh: I don't know what to expect for the next few months or so, but I know they're gonna be special.

Cristina: Yeah... I should probably show everyone what I have of Mario and Meggy's newborn.

This get-together at the mansion went smoothly, even if Smesh just has to sit in the couch to heal up. While Cristina's gonna be out at therapy for the next month or so, she's definitely gonna have a surprise for him on one of her off days.

So, that's all for now.

I have no idea what to do for the next stories in this book, so here's what I'm gonna do.

If you wanna submit an idea for a story, which could be anything related to SMG4 or their (or my) characters that'll fit in one chapter, put your idea in the comments, and it'll be a story in this book.

Thanks for reading, see you all later.

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