chapter 12

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"jeongguk we're really glad that taehyung found friends here that like him and accept him the way he is. we were afraid he would have it really hard. he's really innocent and we'd like to keep him that way. no bad words, no cussing, not involved in the bad things other kids your age do."

with that she didn't mean sexual activity or anything because she knows that taehyung is at an age where this is a natural thing. she's talking about being mean to others, drugs and other stuff.

"of course mrs. kim. taehyung is an amazing person, we're happy he's our friend. and we will keep him safe from bad things, i'll try my best, i promise."

"thank you jeongguk. let me give you a hug."

"ggukie.", taehyung wakes up two hours later, cuddled up on jeongguk's chest, who also slept for an hour but is already awake for a while now, watching tv.

"hey baby. how are you feeling?"

"that was one of the best naps i ever had.", he giggles, making jeongguk chuckle, starting to stroke his waist.



"you're never going to be lovers with someone else, right? like.. you're only my lover. forever?"

it's so cute how possessive he actually is, wanting jeongguk all for himself.

"of course baby, i only want you. you're mine forever."

"can i get a kiss?"

"you can have all the kisses you want.", he says, feeling taehyung's lips on his own a couple seconds later.

"ggukie?", he asks, when they pull back.


"when can we make a baby? how do we even make a baby?"

jeongguk laughs at that.

he will now explain to him where babies come from.

"look tae, only women can get pregnant. you know, have a baby in their belly?"

taehyung gets sad at that.

"but i want a baby.", his eyes get teary.

"hey we can adopt a baby one day okay? but until then, you're my baby."

taehyung smiles at that.

"kay. but how does the baby get in the woman's belly?"

"look, you know what sex is right?"

taehyung nods with big eyes.

"and you know the white stuff that came out of you earlier when you had an orgasm?"

taehyung again nods.

"that's sperm. in order to make a baby, when having sex, the man has to cum inside the woman."

"so... the sperm has to go in her..."


"oh wow. and then there is a baby!"

"yes. it takes a while but yeah, basically."

"that's so cool. it's like magic!"

jeongguk chuckles at that.

but he frowns when taehyung suddenly cuddles him, hiding his face in the crook of jeongguk's neck, hugging him tight.

"is everything good?", jeongguk asks, starting to stroke the back of taehyung's head.

"yes. i just love you."

"i love you too tae."

"can we watch a barbie movie?", he asks now, lifting his head up, looking at jeongguk with big puppy eyes, making the other laugh again.

"of course."


another day passed, taehyung is alone at home since jeongguk had to go somewhere and didn't come to school either, but promised him to come over later.

taehyung was very anxious to go to school without jeongguk being there to protect him, but jeongguk promised him that the others would take care of him.

taehyung is very sad though because something happened at school and the fact that jeongguk isn't here, upsets him so much, he feels like crying.

he decides to call jeongguk.


"tae baby?"

"when will you be here?", he asks and jeongguk notices that something is wrong.

"about an hour babe, why? is everything alright?"

"yeah i'm just tired and i miss you."

"i miss you too, just take a nap until i'm there?"

"i'll try."

"good. i love you."

"love you too ggukie.", he ends the phone call.

it takes him about 10 minutes to fall asleep.


jeongguk slowly comes inside taehyung's room, already assuming that he must be asleep, so he tries to not make any sounds.

he smiles when he sees him laying there, hugging his pillow, looking like an literal angel.

"tae.", jeongguk whispers, leaning in to wake him with kisses.

he scrunches his nose in his sleep when he notices something touching his face, making jeongguk chuckle.

"baby, wake up.", jeongguk says, suddenly wondering if it was stupid to wake him up at all and if he should wait until he wakes up himself. but it's already too late when the other's eyes slowly flutter open.

"ggukie.", he says, quickly wrapping his arms around jeongguk's neck, pulling him close.

jeongguk hugs him back but he frowns when he hears taehyung crying.

"baby? what's wrong?", he asks, worriedly lifting his head to look at the other.

"t-today in school-", his voice breaks.

"what happened? did anyone touch you? did-", jeongguk immediately panicks.


jeongguk is a little relieved but of course he still wants to know what happened.

"t-there were these girls when i was in the cafeteria getting food. and suddenly they said that i'm p-pathetic and everything i do is just because i want attention. t-they said that i just act all innocent. they were so mean ggukie, i didn't do anything to them, i-i even thought they looked pretty when i saw them and suddenly t-they said all these things.", he cries really hard now, making jeongguk hug him tightly.

"a-am i really pathetic?"

"tae no, you're not i promise. they were talking nonsense, they're just jealous of you because everyone admires you for being so unique and special."

"r-really?", he looks at jeongguk with big puppy eyes, tears still leaving.
"t-they also said that i'm not even pretty."

"baby i really really promise you none of what they said is true. you're amazing and so unbelievably beautiful. you need to learn to not believe such cruel words from people because there is absolutely no reason to say anything mean about you. they're just stupid and jealous."

"you think so?"

"i don't just think so, i know it. trust me okay?"

"i-i trust you gguk."

jeongguk leans in to kiss his lips, gently kissing him, making taehyung feel so loved.

"from now on i'll only believe what you say.", taehyung smiles through his tears, making jeongguk look at him in pure admiration.

"good. let's go to the market and get some things?", jeongguk asks, knowing going there will cheer the other up.

"like candy and ice cream?", taehyung asks in excitement.

"yes.", jeongguk chuckles.

"yay! let's go! i love you ggukie."

"i love you more."

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