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After school, Chad and I went to his friend Krists house for his band practise. "You'll love these guys, I'm sure you'll be great friends with them" Chad reassured me as I was pretty nervous.
We arrived at a small, cosy house where I could already hear a loud guitar playing.
Chad knocked on the door and a few seconds later, a extremely tall guy answered. "Chad! So glad your here man!" The guy exclaimed, "and who's this? Oh my god is she your-" he was cut off by Chad- "NO! She's new here in town and she's also my new friend, I invited her so she could make more friends dumbass" Chad snapped.
"Okay, well come in both of you" the tall guy replied.
"Oh by the way I'm Krist" he said, "Kira" I replied, "Cool".
We entered the garage, where another guy was sitting down. He had long blonde hair and was wearing jeans and converse with a denim jacket on. His eyes darted up and met mine, "Holy shit" I thought, this guy was simply beautiful. His eyes were a very bright shade of blue and his features were so perfect. "Uh, Kurt, this is Chad's friend, Kira" Krist announced, noticing the fact me and Kurt's eyes were locked in one anothers. "Nice to meet you Kira" he said, almost jumping up from the couch to come over and shake my hand. "You too K-Kurt" I stuttered, amazed by how breathtaking he was, I have never seen such a perfect human before.
After five minutes of small talk and lighting eachothers cigarettes, the trio started to play a song, "This song is called School" Kurt said shyly.
The moment he started playing that guitar it hit me that I was sitting infront of a band destined to be famous.
He began to sing- "Won't you believe it? it's just my luck...". His voice was so powerful, raspy and perfect all at once, I sat there, amazed by the music, but most of all, him.
After they finished practise, I looked at the clock, "It's pretty late" I said.
Chad asked if I wanted a ride home, "My parents are either drunk or off their fuckin' heads on drugs, I'd rather sleep on the street right now" I said harshly. "You can stay here with me and Kurt if you'd like" Krist said, taking a drag from his cigarette. "You sure?" I asked, feeling a little guilty on invading his privacy, "Yeah of course, you can sleep in Kurt's room he has a couch in there, you'll be okay there" he replied, looking over at Kurt. "That's fine with me, she can even take the bed I'll sleep on the couch" Kurt said, looking me in the eye.
I fely my face get hotter as I started to blush, "Oh well, thank you so much honestly" I said.
Krist went to his room and must've passed out because I could hear his snores. Me and Kurt went to his room. There was a small bed and a couch by the window. "I'll take the couch, Kurt, after all it's your room" I said, feeling guilty because of the fact he wanted to sleep on the couch instead of his bed.
"I mean if that makes you feel comfortable"  he said, flopping onto his bed and kicking off his shoes.
I still couldn't get over how undeniably handsome he is, he was just so goddamm perfect, I could stare at him all day.
Eventually we fell asleep, but I was awakened by a bad dream. It was about my parents, being drunk and chasing me to my room like they always do, screaming at me until I eventually cry myself to sleep. I woke up panting with tears rolling down my face. Kurt woke up and came over to me to see what was wrong. I explained it was just a bad dream and he wiped my tears with his soft hands. "You can sleep next to me instead if that would make you feel better?" He said with a worried look on his face, "not trying to be creepy but I don't wanna see you upset". I nodded and climbed into his bed, he pulled the blanket over us and we once again drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and read the time on my watch, 7:40 am. I didn't bother getting ready for school as it was just a Friday and I would be off for the weekend anyway. I turned over to see Kurt still sleeping, god he looked so cute. He wrapped his arms around me unknowingly and pulled me into his chest, I didn't really mind. I fell asleep again in his warm embrace, never wanting to leave, it just felt right.

A few hours later I was awoken by Kurt yawning. I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me. He went a little red and smiled at me. "How did you sleep?" he asked me. "Pretty good, this bed is comfy" I replied, smirking at him.
"MORNING KIDDOS!" Krist shouted as he entered the room, "woah woah woah, sharing the bed are we? Kurt don't tell me you guys-" "No she had a bad dream and I told her she's welcome to come bunk with me if it would make her feel better" Kurt said, cutting Krist off from finishing his sentence.


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