learning about the new world

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'wassup people its me koda naroteri bringijg you with another chapter for this story any who lets get right onto it!!!"

Welcome one and all to the 2nd chapter of the twist of villainous reincarnation!

Izuku p.o.v.

"Wait i still need ans-!"and with that i blacked out seeing only darkness again for a few seconds until i instantly open my eyes by instinct

"Ahhhh!!"i screamed waking up in a forest on top of the green grass a ray of light hitting my face my eyes seeing trees and greenery all around me suddenly my head started aching... Receiving random images into my head seemingly looking like memories that i have expirienced

"Izuku ill name you izuku"an image dark green pony tailed lady slim build seen smiling while talk to me before suddenly disappearing

"Heya bud did you have a nice rest?"a man with black hair 4 freckles on each side symmetrically placed in diamond shape smiling at me before the image seems to get watery the man's smile seems to fall and becomes worried before disappearing also

"Ain't she a beauty?" A wooden house is seen in the middle of a dense forest a deer in the background eating before looking at the horizon some birds flying chipmunks in their homes a stream is seen flowing on the side with a wooden arched bridge is placed on top of it to crossover... Ok who here is thinking of disney princess stories specifically snow white?

"Bud you need help? Dont worry your pop's go"the same old man says before lending me a hand  in which it looks like i stand up with a bit of the image being water filled

'all of these images... I feel like i know them but i dont at the same time... Are these... Memories...?'i thought to myself before hearing a voice that makes me feel guilt everytime i hear it the guilt of leaving...

Narrator p.o.v.

"Izuku comeback home lunch is ready! And tell your dad to comeback too!"a feminine voice is heard from the direction of the east side of the forest

"ok mom!"izuku said by instinct with his guilt still with him like a slight pain in his stomach

Izuku then by also instinct knew where to go where he sees a muscly man with short black hair scars on his body shirtless with only some pants wearing with a shirt near him cutting a few trees with an axe

Izuku then by also instinct knew where to go where he sees a muscly man with short black hair scars on his body shirtless with only some pants wearing with a shirt near him cutting a few trees with an axe

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This aint my art)

"Pops mom says lunch is ready!"izuku again by instinct calls out to the man with him looking back at him with a smile

"Ok son lemme take a rest for a bit you go first okay?"the man says which izuku again... By instinct... Looks scoffs at and turns around and starts walking off but not before he says

"Yeah yeah old man just dont waste your energy!"izuku says before running off to the house of which... You guessed it by seeing the direction in one of the images he found on his head he knew where the path was! And you guys thought this one was by instinct wasnt it? In which the man yells out to him annoyed

"Hey your pops isnt that old!"the man screams out which wasnt heard by izuku whose on his way to the house which he saw in his head

Izuku p.o.v.

'Who was that and how do i know him?'izuku thinks to himself while going to the directions he saw on the images im his head

"There should be a left and..."he mutters while turning to see the same house he saw inside his head the door suddenly opens up to reveal a woman with long dark green hair tied to a pony tail wearing pink sweater with a white shirt underneath blue skirt with a yellow apron
Her name is now dubbed inko midoriya cause idk how else to introduce her name '-'

"he mutters while turning to see the same house he saw inside his head the door suddenly opens up to reveal a woman with long dark green hair tied to a pony tail wearing pink sweater with a white shirt underneath blue skirt with a yellow apronHer ...

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(Again not my art...)

Seeing this made izuku's eyes water him rushing to her tackling her while eyes watering still

"Izuku why are you crying are you hurt?"inko ask growing worried for the crying child who she doesnt know what happened to

"N-nothing mom i just miss you..."izuku smiling with a few tears escaping from his eyes his guilt partially disappearing but its still there

"Its ok honey nothings gonna happen to me ok?"inko says reassuring izuku which izuku knows and just nods

Suddenly footsteps were heard behind them with the man who izuku called pops appeared

"Heya! So we gonna eat now?"the man will now be named hisashi since i apparently didnt say the name earlier asked in which inko mouths an 'oh' then tells them to come on in

Narrator p.o.v.

Once they came in they saw a sleeping tiger orange fur with black stripes and some white at the bottom parts sleeping peacefully but when they stepped it the tiger woke up looking at them

Once they came in they saw a sleeping tiger orange fur with black stripes and some white at the bottom parts sleeping peacefully but when they stepped it the tiger woke up looking at them

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(You guessed it... Not my art and yes thats a drawing '-')

"Heya saber how are you doing?"hisashi asks and puts his hand out in which the tiger licks and goes around him like what a cat does to your legs izuku looks at the tiger with some fear but when it was like that with hisashi all his fear went away

"Izuku wanna ride him?"hisashi asks izuku in which he nods to hisashi then picks him up and puts him in top of saber in which saber runs around carefully enough to not make izuku fall off and with izuku having fun laughing

"Come on boys lunch is prepared!"inko calls out making the 2 boys run into the kitchen and eat their lunch...

Timeskip 1 yr later

'I've been in this world for 1 year now but i still have unanswered questions... Why are we in a forest?... Is there anyone else besides us? All of it is a mystery...'izuku thought to himself while wandering into the forest for a few minutes until he saw a barbed wire fence wall with a giant gate in the middle of those

"What's this?"

'well that took quite a bit sorry about the rushed ending hope y'all liked this chapter see yall around!'


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