The stars (Bruno)

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Bruno sighed as he closed his bedroom door behind him. He hated being here without you because you always calmed him down and assured him that no matter what he saw in his visions, you would always love him. But now he had to see into YOUR future, and it terrified him.

He was annoyed, furious even, with his two sisters' attitude. At first, he had been excited when Julieta asked him to help her ask you out because if the boy was honest with himself, he adored you!

You were his only friend, the one who never judged him, the one who was always by his side and defended him, the one who always laughed with him and not at him. You had provided him with a refugee that was not lonely and cold like his cave of visions, but warm and welcoming and he would often turn to you instead of his older sisters or mother if he had any problems. So the idea of ​​you dating Julieta had delighted him because it meant having you closer permanently.

He hadn't counted on Pepa's intervention.

His redheaded sister had come fuming into Julieta's room while they were planning something to get the brunette to ask you out. Bruno had never seen his sisters so angry; Pepa threw thunderbolts mercilessly while Julieta was sharp and cruel with her words. What terrified the boy the most was that they were attacking each other.

Being the youngest of the triplets, Bruno was used to being pampered and protected by Pepa and Julieta. For him, his sisters had always been a source of warmth and security. But now, that unstoppable force that they were together, cruelly divided. All for a pair of pretty eyes.

He wasn't going to blame you, you were as oblivious to all this as he was, perhaps more so, because while he had seen firsthand the death sentence they had imposed on each other, you still thought that everything was fine, that you were all friends. And he envied you that, being able to be ignorant in this.

When Pepa invited you to go for a walk somewhere or to the fields, Julieta always ended up sneaking in and accompanying you too, not wanting to leave you alone with her sister. When you were cooking with Julieta, Pepa would interrupt with jokes, making you lose your attention in the meal and leaving Julieta very upset.

But you saw it all as a game, a simple innocent rivalry between sisters. But Bruno knew there was absolutely nothing innocent about this. He saw the way Pepa intentionally hurt Julieta and the way the brunette denied her healing food to the redhead. This was getting out of hand and you had no idea what a hurricane you were in the middle of.

That is why this vision was important.

He didn't want to take sides between his sisters, knowing that if he chose to help one, the other would never forgive him. But he couldn't lose you, not you. You were too precious a light in his dark, empty constellation and he would protect your shine at all costs, even if he had to face one or perhaps both of his sisters. He had to see who you would end up with or if you will choose any of them at all.

"For you, little star" he murmured to himself

He thought of you, drawing your beautiful face with ease in his memory. He knew you perfectly well and for once in his life, it was not difficult for him to connect with the fine thread that kept your future. But that didn't mean it was easy to take a look.

Bruno hesitated for a moment. It felt wrong and invasive to see this without your permission. But he couldn't let his sisters keep hurting each other, or worse, keep taking you away from him. Yes, maybe it was selfish, but a part of him was upset that Pepa and Julieta have been stealing you whenever they can, forgetting the fact that you were HIS best friend. It was he who had brought you closer to them and it would be he who would save you.

He concentrated, and he saw...he saw everything. He saw the flowers you gave Pepa, promises of a pure love full of admiration. He saw the notes you left for Julieta, innocent and true love. And he saw the little rocks you sometimes gave him ("you know you're important to me because I think of you even in the little things, Nuno" you had told him), a solid and unbreakable love.

You loved all three of them, but he knew only one could have your heart and he was terrified of this vision materializing, because no matter what appeared on the emerald tablet, flowers, notes, or rocks, he knew that inevitably two of them would end up heartbroken and the third without siblings. He felt bad for you because it wasn't your fault that all of the sky loved you.

Bruno felt the weight of the tablet in his hands and slowly opened his eyes. He gasped when he saw the image etched into it, clear and final.

Loved by the sky (Reader x Madrigal triplets)Where stories live. Discover now