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Evelyn Stone

After moving out of Derry, she moved to Canada. 

It was much colder than Derry. She didn't really think that she could get use to Canada.

She thought that after, she was done with college, she would move back to Derry or at least visit her friends the losers' club.

But she never did.

She had moved on with her life.

She had forgotten, everything.

The memories of her hometown Derry, Pennywise and the losers' club

Evelyn, got a scholarship in a good University. She went to Hollywood later on to start her career as a movie director.

She wasn't sure, who gave her the idea to become a movie director but she was happy.

Hollywood gave her the offer to become a actress and she took it.

She was now a famous actress and a movie director.

She always had preferably liked horror.


"Alright, cut!", Evelyn yelled.

"Great job! But can we get the last shot, one last time", she says.

"I want you to express you fear more. Remember your afraid", she says to the protagonist.

"Alright, maam!", the boy says.

"Alright, three, two, one Action!", she says.

The scene starts but suddenly, Evelyn gets a call on her phone from a number she didn't recognize but she has the urge to pick up the call. 

She didn't know why but her hands were shaking.

"Hello,?", She says.

"Is this Evelyn Stone?", a man voice is heard through her phone.

"Yes, this is Evelyn Stone speaking", she says.

"Evelyn, it's Mike Hanlon from Derry", Mike said.

Evelyn starts to tremble, a few moments ago she didn't know this man but now memories start to flash through her head especially hearing the word Derry?

"Mike? h-homeschooled kid?", Evelyn stuttered.

"Yes, Yes it's me Mike. You need to come back to Derry all the losers' do", he says.

Evelyn felt sick, her head was hurting.

"Maam, do you need a glass of water", one of the apprentice asks her.

"Yes, please", she choked out.

"Evelyn, you have to come, as soon as pos-", Mike says.

Evelyn couldn't take it anymore and ended the call.

Mike was cut off.

She had finally moved on and now her worst nightmare was coming back to haunt her.

"Alright, I will act this scene out, so you can understand how to do it", she says.

The large studio, was filled with joy.

The crew started to cheer for Evelyn as she hops of her chair and goes to act out the protagonist's line.

Evelyn was not just known for her movie directing skills but also she was know for being a famous actress winning many awards, though out her career and took part in many famous hit movies.

She goes on and starts to act.

"Light, Camera, Action", her assistant yells excitingly.

The camera was now focused on her, "Your right...I will never be perfect but someone once told me that no one is, that doesn't mean that I'm damn c-", Evelyn stops.

She suddenly remembered phrase similar to this. 

Someone had told her this, 27 years ago.

She then looks at her hand as it starts to shake and she see the cut on her hand was opening and blood started dripping on the set's floor.

"Miss, Evelyn Are you alright?", the producer asks.

The crew's nurse comes up with bandages, wrapping it around her hand.

"Yes...I have to go somewhere!", she says getting off the set grabbing her things.

The crew go after her, "Miss, What about the last scene. Should we not redo the scene?", An actor asks her.

"Lizzy, leave it how it is", she quickly says putting her coat on.

She walks up to the actor playing as the main protagonist.

"Remember, you have a amazing journey ahead of you, so just be yourself", she says as the actor blushes as his favorite actor had just given him advice.

"Leo!", she yells as a man in a black suit comes up to her.

"Please book a plane ticket to Derry", she says as her driver opens the door of her car for her to get in.

Evelyn then calls Mike.

"Mike, I'm on my way to Derry".

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