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(name)'s Pov


I'll just start studying later, might as well invite Yuri to help study. I thought about it.

I know too damn well that we both are in the same room, alone, we will not be doing a sigle thing. We'd just laze around, cook or buy something to eat, watch TV and just spill some tea to each other.

Well, aren't that bestfriends supposed to do?

I laughed as I imagined me and Yuri doing none. Studying? Psshh— fuck that, since when did I even study? And since when did I got a good marks on my report card? Maybe when I was in pre-school. I'm pretty smart in that time and age.

But now? My brain maybe have rotten to the core. I can't even pick what chips and drinks should I get!!

"Oh for fuck's sake I'll take both." I then grabbed it both while I kept staring on what drinks should I pick.

"You would love this."

Someone stood beside me and handed me two kinds of drinks. One was a canned coffee while the other is Ramune: strawberry flavored.

I looked up to see a tall lanky man with bleached bangs.

'Reminds me of Nishinoya from Haikyuu' though he is a lot taller than the character I mentioned. He also has tattoo on both arms.

He seems familiar to me, but where in the hell have I seen him?

Oh well, nevermind, he isn't that important anyways..

I went to the cashier and paid before walking out of the store.




Third Person's Pov




"She's cute, I'd give her that."

The mysterious man sad as he had his phone near his ears while smoking cigarettes outside the store, eyeing the walking figure if a girl who was on her phone as she walkes.

"Don't even think o—"

"Yeah yeah I won't.." he smirked and stomped on the cigarette he dropped on the floor.



"So what are you doing here?"

Draken asked the woman that was seated on the sofa in their base. She thanked that there was a sofa, it would be tiring to stand the whole time.

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