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Hello. Characters of this suddenly formed AU story *drum roll*

Kim Namjoon 27Decision makerResponsible personPower: Mind reading and Time control

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Kim Namjoon
Decision maker
Responsible person
Power: Mind reading and Time control

Kim Namjoon 27Decision makerResponsible personPower: Mind reading and Time control

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Kim Seokjin
Caring and easy going
Power: Healing

Min Yoongi28Is a little scary but can be a softyIntrovert Power: Teleportation

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Min Yoongi
Is a little scary but can be a softy
Power: Teleportation

Min Yoongi28Is a little scary but can be a softyIntrovert Power: Teleportation

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Jung Hoseok
Mood maker
Power: Mind control and freezing

Park Jimin 26Loves to flirtSo affectionate Power: Super speed and strength

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Park Jimin
Loves to flirt
So affectionate
Power: Super speed and strength

Park Jimin 26Loves to flirtSo affectionate Power: Super speed and strength

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Kim Taehyung
Jimin's bestie
Can be intimidating
Power: Invisibility

Jeon Jungkook 24Youngest Can surprise you with his talents Power: Can control and copy any powers ( The golden maknae indeed )

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Jeon Jungkook
Can surprise you with his talents
Power: Can control and copy any powers ( The golden maknae indeed )

( Pictures from Google )

The characters will be having some powers ( basically they are dead angels with powers okay. Idk if it's a thing but in my story it is ). Some has two powers while others have one its bcz of their parents abilities and Jungkook just has an awesome power as i said he will surprise you with his talents. And I would like to mention about my dear frnd who was so desperate in reading a horror story written by me. Are you satisfied my friend?

Cover by _AIYAN06_ or _Scarlet_Black_

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Cover by _AIYAN06_ or _Scarlet_Black_

    This is a pure work of fiction. No offense to the real bangtan members. The credits from the pictures mainly goes to Google.

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