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Y/N wakes up with a headache but surprisingly she had no other problems comparing to the accident she got into. And the headache was probably due to the lack of sleep. She got up from the bed and observed the room as she didn't do it before.

The room was so her style and she loved it. She remembered the time she spend with Jimin and she felt happy to find this place.

'He said he would introduce the others to me today. Will they be friendly and sweet like him too. I can't wait to meet 'em.'

She did my morning routine and left the room.

"Oh. You are awake? Good morning Y/N", Jimin greeted me.

"Hi. Morning ", she replied.

"Hi Y/N. I am Hoseok. You can call me hobi too.", Jung hoseok said.

"Oh hello hobi ", she said flashing a smile at him. He was radiating positivity even through his breath.

"Let's meet the others come", they said and took her to the hall area where the others were minding their own business. As they entered the room, soon everyone turned towards Y/N and came over.

"There are seven of them." She was making a mental note of everyone.

"Guys she is Y/N why don't you all introduce yourself to her?", Jimin said signalling the others not to mention that they knew each other before.

"Hello y/n. As you might have seen... I'm the most handsome one among them. I'm soekjin. Or you can call me WWH"

"WWH? ", she asked.

"Worldwide handsome you know?", he said and y/n chuckled.

"Y/n I'm Taehyung. I'm happy to meet you again" he said the last word to himself.

"I'm Namjoon. The one who is sleeping over there is Yoongi ", namjoon said pointing at a grey haired male laying in the couch.

"And i am Jungkook.", the last one said.

"Hi y'all thanks for saving me I'm so grateful."

"Its nothing. How are you now? Does it hurt anywhere?" Jin asked with concern highly evident in his eyes.

"Now i feel good. But how did you guys manage to cure the wounds so soon?",

"I.... i mean we have learnt nursing? ", Jin blurted out. His voice showed signs of uncertainty but y/n ignored it .

"I was blessed to find you guys. But did you all see my driver? He is the only one alive who I really know. I can't go back to my place if I don't find him. D-did he die?", she stacked questions one after the other in panic.

"Hey....calm down. It's alright. We will look for your driver", Jungkook tried to calm her down.' How do we find him without getting out of this mansion? We can't tell her we don't get out . Right?' He thought

"B-but", she tried to say but was cut off by hoseok.

"Are you thinking you are a burden here? If so get that out of ur head ok? We really don't mind having you as our guest.", Hoseok reassured her.

"You guys are so sweet. I don't know what deed of mine made me meet such amazing (and good looking) men", she said with a sweet smile.

I know it's been a while and also this is a short chapter. Sorry that's all I could write for now.

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