"do you think the universe fights for souls to be together?"
mischief meets mayhem when george weasley catches monty dehaan filling the great hall with live chickens. so when you add in a mass murderer on the loose and unknowingly...
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The young man pushed himself to great lengths as he sprinted through the forest, the weight in his arms heavy, rocks, dirt, and branches covering the forest floor digging further and further into his bare feet. He barely felt the pain now.
Blood soaked his shirt, stained his skin, matted into his curls. He paid it no mind, forcing himself to breath deeply as the arms around his neck tightened.
I can. I will.
"They're getting closer, Monty." The girl cried, the tears running down her cheeks creating tracks through the dirt on her pale face.
"It's okay, Ef." He panted out, ducking below a branch, "Keep your head down, and close your eyes. It'll be alright."
His feet must have been torn to shreds by this point. But all he did was tighten his hold on the girl in his arms and sprint further through the forest. He didn't care about himself. All that mattered was the sick redhead who couldn't run on such a mangled leg. He needed to get her to safety, get her help.
He could die for all he cared, so long as Effie was okay.
He chanced another look behind him. The sky was darkening. No longer could he see the silhouettes of their torturers, but he could see the green serpent looming in the dusk sky above. A horrifying reminder that he had already failed one person. He wouldn't let Effie down.
"Protect her, Monty." She had gasped, throwing a punch at one of the masked men, "Run."
"I'm not leaving you." He'd refused, though he shoved another of the men in his pursuit to get to the girl trying to hide in the corner, "I won't."
"You will." She shouted as Monty heaved the girl up, securing his arms tight around her, "RUN."
He turned back, "LIA."
Both he and Effie shouted the warning at the woman as two masked men each raised their wands on her. She spun on her heel to face the men. Eyes blazed with a challenging glint, Lia squared her shoulders as if ready to charge at them without a wand of her own.
His lungs screamed for him to stop, but he wouldn't. He wouldn't stop running until they were safe, Effie was getting the help she needed, and he'd never stop until he got his revenge on the men who held them for weeks, tortured them, and killed Ophelia.
He'd had to make room for so much pain within the confines of his heart, but he wasn't sure there was enough space to hold the agony he currently felt. It would only grow worse, he was certain.
"I'll protect her." He promised his sister. Because he'd always protect Effie, even if it wasn't his sister's dying wish.
He could only hope she was still with him, somehow, helping guide him just as she always had.
this took longer than i wanted because i scrapped so many ideas of how i wanted the prologue to go and i thought i'd finally settled on it and halfway through, i thought of this and deleted what i had been writing all week, and i'm very happy with the turnout and i'm so excited to begin monty's story and share it with you all.