
140 17 10

Lawrence, Kansas

22 years ago

Night fell, crickets chirp next to the tree that has fallen under autumn's spell. Leafless next to the suburban homes. Inside one of the homes is a small family, A little boy, 4 years old tosses a small football to his two-year-old brother.

"Come on Sammy! You can do it!" Sam picked up the ball and tried to throw it back. Somehow it went the opposite way, hitting John Winchester in the leg.

He had been trying to scare the toddler. But when Sam turned around he smiled up at his dad. John went with it and tickled the toddler's tummy. Making him squeal.

John picked Sam up, Sam squirming slightly as John put him in a better position to get his special button. Surprisingly his knees were the most ticklish, the two-year-old would give some of the cutest laughs while his special button was tickled.

Then his wife Mary walked in. Wearing a white nightgown. She smiled at the group before holding her hand out to Dean.

"Come on Dean, let's get you ready for bed, then say night to your brother. John, Sammy don't be too far behind." John nodded as he started tossing the two-year-old in the air. The toddler, laughing with all he had.

Dean squirmed in his mother's arms as she carried him up the stairs. Getting him dressed in jammies and brushing his teeth. Minutes later walking into the nursery where the newest addition to the family resided.

Mary turned the lights on, making the baby in the crib blink in surprise. Once the baby sees his mother and brother he coos at them shaking his small fist. Wanting some attention after being in the dark for so long.

Mary sets Dean down, he leans over the crib and kisses the smiling baby on the forehead.

"Night, Stiles." The baby grins at his name, looking to his mother who leaned over the small boy.

"Good night, love." She whispered. The baby grabbed a lock of her hair, playing with it. Gently she pulled it away. He momentarily glared at her for taking his toy. Before reaching for it again.

Mary smiles at him before brushing his hair back, kissing his forehead as well.

John smiles at the three, Sam squirming to get down to say goodnight to the baby. John smiles before putting him down. Sam runs to his mom, as John makes his presence known to Dean.

"Hey, Dean." Dean looks at the doorway, seeing his father wearing the USMC shirt that Dean loved.

"Daddy!" He yelled with excitement.

"Hey, buddy!" He said scooping the four-year-old into his arms. Before giving a look to Stiles, then back to Dean. "So what do you think? You think Stiles is ready to toss around a football yet?"

Dean shakes his head laughing. "No, daddy."

John laughs along with his oldest child. "No, indeed."

Mary passes the boys looking at her husband. "You got them?"

John smiled, scooping up his two-year-old into his other arm as he started bouncing them back and forth as Mary walked out.

"I got them," John said, pulling the two closer to his chest. Looking over to the baby still in the crib he smiles. "Sweet dreams, Stiles." He hits the light switch with his elbow walking out the room. Taking the boys to their separate rooms.

Stiles watches them go, before trying to reach his toes.

The baseball-themed mobile above Stiles's crib begins to spin on its own while Stiles watches transfixed by the movement. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks, ticks, stops. The moon-shaped night light flickers on and off. As the baby stares obliviously at the mobile.

A New Point Of View - PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now