Do I go Home and Pretend Nothing Happened or...?

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My eyes fluttered open to my purple comforter partially in view. I flung myself forward even though I wasn't entire certain why I was panicked. I had to sit for a moment still in high alert to gather what happened the day previous to make me feel so panicked.

"Was it a dream?" I whispered.



I felt my stomache drop to my feet and I searched for my phone. I didn't expect to wake up in my own bedroom but being there did make me expect I'd find my phone.

"Here you go!" A phone landed on my bed and I gasped. To my right was-

Then it was gone, but as I was already looking to my right I caught Tanya's surprised face.

"How'd you hear me coming? You got witch ears?" She then repeated tossing my phone to me exactly where it landed before.

But not really I guess? I made to reach it but as I moved my arm to grab my phone I seemed to experience it twice.

I reached my hand to grab my phone-

I reached my hand to grab my phone.

"You're  moving extra slow this morning-" I turned to Tanya right as she was about to say it again.

"You're moving ex-"

"-tra slow this morning? Is that what you were about to say?" Tanya's eyebrows raised momentarily before she grinned.

And of course it happened twice before she could say, " It's kicking in, your powers. You're a seer."

I couldn't let her finish the second time and she barely got out "It's kicking in-" before I could respond, "Seer!?" She smirked again and before I could feel too pataornized she was gone.

I almost pulled my phone to finally check it, but then a cup of tea appeared in my face.

"Drink it. It'll dull out your powers." I could tell she wasn't lying, already off smelling the brew the repetition had stopped momentarily and I grasped the hot cup and threw back the hot liquid no questions asked.

It tasted like iron and salt. I assumed it was a tea based off the cup and the little bag floating in it, but honestly it was like a soup but tasted like pennies.

"Blegh! That's awful!"

"Oh yeah, you're definitely a witch. That was just chamomile." She smiled at me as I stared.

"Chamomile!?" Theres no way I loved chamomile.

"You wondering why it tasted like that? Well witches have a slight weakness to the stuff. It can't kill you, but it can dim your powers. Poweful witches use it to seem normal amongst the humans and not be detected. You're powers just awakened and now you've got the same aversion." I pouted momentarily depressed by the idea that my favorite tea was forever the flavor of iron.

"Why are you here?" I watched Tanya as she walked around my room and fiddled with my bookshelf.

"I'm here to help you job hunt! And to babysit I guess," she said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Job hunt?" The last part made a little sense off what I could remember River saying, but why did they care if I had a job?

"No one knows about the grocery store fiasco, and the the store is gone. The wolves finessed what they could. They want you so they're trying to force you on the streets. Normally we would just hide you, but people know you and nobody wants your missing case to draw unnecessary attention." She said it so blasé but it sounded so much like a reason why I wasn't being kidnapped.

"Okay. Job hunting." I tried to just digest it. I lost my job and I needed a new one. That sounded more normal. The snapping bones seemed to echo quietly to the side.

"So I was thinking a work from home position or something in a cubicle? Back office? You know, where the office is actually in the back?" I hadn't notice Tanya get in my bed with me. Her short red hair was inches from my face. I shook off the uncomfortable closeness and focussed on the more concerning part.

"Uh. Are you trying to hide me from public?"

"Absolutely! And we got to get you out of this apartment. We can help you but you might need to sort of subtly imply you won some cash or- oh! You do art? We're entering you in some art contests!" I couldn't keep track of her. With my eyes or my brain. She was suddenly in my desk pulling out sketchbooks then she was on my computer then she handed me breakfast.

"Eat up! We've got a long day ahead of us!" She sang.

~ * ~

It was a long day; she wouldn't let me leave my bed.

"I can't give you too much chamomile and if you move around too much you'll burn it off. I got this. Stay in bed." I was about to get up and join her at my computer but she was pulling my sketchbook again. She moved inhumanly fast but it wasn't like she disappeared. Her thoughts moved like that too, bouncing from one thing than another.

Sudden rapping on my gate is the only thing that froze her.

"Shit! They're here. Stupid wolves had to instigate things-" She interrupted herself to give me a look.

"I guess I'm not allowed to answer my own door?" I honestly didn't want to but I felt grumpy.

"No. You can, but don't let them lead you out of the house. In here you've got me, outside they've got access to all the cameras in this area, so they won't care to let a little loose." I gulped and slid off my bed while Tanya continued to zip around the room.

The gate rattled again behind my wooden door so I hurried to open it. On the other end of the gate was my landlady, easily recognizable by her yellow hair and vibrant blue eyeshadow.

"You're being evicted Willow. Pack your stuff and get out."

Willow the SeerWhere stories live. Discover now