Chapter 1

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This is the worst way to start the new year. I begged mom not to do this to me but I guess parenthood got the better of her. I was supposed to be enjoying my high school years as a grade 11 learner , meeting new friends , going out to parties and clubs , and of course meeting handsome boys but I guess mom had a different view for my year, she already had some plans for me , a whole new life. And she didn't even talk about it with me. I understand that she has to go and work since she got a job as teacher but that doesn't mean she should take me with her , she could've simply sent me to dad while she works that's what she did with my brother Leo.  I woke up early today because I had a lot of goodbyes to say and this surely wasn't going to be easy. When I went down stairs I saw that she was already up. " Good morning sweetheart. Did you get enough sleep ? ". I chose not to answer  that question because my face said a lot for itself. " You're up early today , are you going somewhere ? ". " I am planning on going to Emily's , I have a lot of goodbyes to say. Mom , do we really have to go ? , I don't want to move. " I said pulling an apple from the basket. " I know honey but we have to. I also don't want to move but you know that I got a new job and . . ."" It means we'll survive the year , I know. But mom , why I can't I just go and live with dad like Leo? ". " Sweety , you're farther has a lot in his hands , with Leo and his new wife's babies , plus the one she's carrying , that's a lot of responsibility honey. ". " She's pregnant again ? " Mom and I always loved talking about my dad's new wife. She is a very beautiful woman , almost my age , ok she's 25 but being 17 doesn't make much of a difference. Lesedi and dad hot married only a few months after mom and dad got divorced , I swear she had something to do with it. They have been married for 2 years now and she already has 4 children , plus the one up coming.  Wow now I realize the responsibility mom was talking about.  Talking about her is the only time we don't fight.
" You should have breakfast and go to see your friends , remember we're leaving tomorrow morning. ". Morning ? No that's too soon , why not in the afternoon? I wanted to ask mom this  but I didn't want to ruin the mood so I just smiled and left the room. Saying goodbye to Emily is going to be hard considering we've been friends since we were only 2 , I can only imagine the pain in her face , I'm surely going to cry a lot today. After a I took a short shower I went to eat breakfast and then headed for Emily's.


Emily's house is not fat from mine so I didn't have to use my car. I stood on her doorway and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Emily's mom came and opened for me. There's something about her smile that always grabs my attention , she always has her hair pushed back into a ponytail. " Good morning Ms Morgan is Emily around ? ". Putting a smile on my face seemed impossible but somehow I managed to put one on.  " Morning dear , Emily's just getting ready. Emily ,  Christa is here ! " She announced to Emily. " Tell her to come upstairs ! " Emily said. I could clearly tell she's still in the shower judging from how low get voice and knowing Emily  she's always loud. As I went up the stairs I felt my heart break as I recalled the memories we had on this stairway. Emily's door was not properly shut so I didn't have a tough time. " Hey. " She said as she came out of the shower. I turned to look at her radio and our favorite song was on , For Tonight by Giveon. We always jammed to this song when we were happy but today was different. She threw a comb my way and I grabbed it and used as  a mike. After what sounded like a drunk karaoke we jumped on the bed a had a  great laugh. I sat up straight and looked at Emily. " You wanted to talk ? " she asked. I tried to answer her but a tear fell down my face before I could opened mouth. " Honey , what's wrong , are you okay ? " Grabbing a tissue and getting in for a hug. After disengaging from the hug I looked at her with my eyes full of tears. " I'm leaving tomorrow. ". " What do you mean ? ". " I mean I moving tomorrow. ". " What ! To where ?". A ton of tears ran down her face too , now we were in the mood. Heartbreak anniversary by Giveon started playing on the radio and we got even more emotional. " I'm moving to finetown. ". Looking at her got too painful so I looked away. " But you won't change school right , I mean finetown is not far from Lens. ". " I wish but mom is trying to save money and everyday transport is too expensive. ". " What about your car ? ". " Mom is going to use it and sell hers. ". " I'm going to miss you friend. " Emily said weeping and I turned to hug her. " Me too bunnybug. ". We hugged for a while and then while she was still fixing her self we sang along to some of the songs on the radio. After that Emily and I went to say goodbye to our friends , Violet , Becky and Benjamin. We promised to stay in touch with each other and then I left. Another journey was waiting for me and I was not with my army this time , it's going to be hard.

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