Chapter 9:Mr.Y's master plan. Neptune has been kidnapped.

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Neptune:"Why am I the one getting kidnapped?"

(A/N):"Because Neptune, our hero needs something to do and plus it's the whole point of the story. Don't worry it won't be for long. Maybe 2 or 3 chapters."

Neptune:"Ok as long as the hero is quick."

(A/N):"Anyways on to chapter 9 friends:)"

After the night with IF I woke up to see that she was hugging me tightly in her sleep and I was worried about her after what she was saying in her sleep.

IF:"No get away from him. I won't let you hurt Jake."

I think she's having a nightmare. I decided to pet her hair to try and wake her up.

Jake:"Iffy wake up."

IF woke up and saw that I was petting her soft brown hair.


Jake:"Are you ok?"

IF:"Yeah just a nightmare."

I hugged and held her close to me.

Jake:"I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to Iffy. I'll protect you and the rest of the girls with my life. You can count on it."

IF:"Thank you Jake. I love you."

Jake:"I love you too."

We kissed each other and held each other.


She got on top of me.

IF:"You wanna go another round~?"

Jake:"Let's do it."

As we were about to start Neptune opened the door at the worst possible time.

Neptune:"Breakfast is r-"

She saw both of us.

Neptune:"I'M SORRY!"

She slammed the door shut.

IF:"Jeez Neppy."

Jake:"She always does that I'm guessing?"

IF:"Yeah but don't mind her. I wanna get started~"

Jake:"Then let's go babe."

We started to get "busy" again. Neptune was heading downstairs to where the rest of the girls were.

Uzume:"Where's Jakesy?"

Neptune:"Him and Iffy are about to have "fun" again."

Uzume:"Oh ok."


Me and IF were done and we were exhausted.

Jake:"So much stamina...burned out."


Jake:"Shall and get breakfast?"


We rested for a bit and then got dressed and went downstairs. I noticed that Neptune was gone.

Jake:"Where's Neptune?"

Nepgear:"She said she had to go do more quests to gain more shares."

Jake:"Oh. Ok then."

We all sat down and ate breakfast. Neptune ate hers early since she had to leave so soon.

Meanwhile with Neptune.

She was finishing a higher ranked quest meaning it was more difficult than others but that would mean people would have more faith in her and allow more shares for her. She just finished the last dogoo.

The tale of how I became the hero of PlaneptuneWhere stories live. Discover now