chapter 23

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Pov: George

The sun is rising and announcing a new day to come.

We are still sitting on the top of the roof and we've been talking about live, death, and everything in-between.

"We should probably go back down, Tommy is most likely still sleeping but it's already 7 am." I say.

"We aren't going to go to school aren't we?"

"Nah. We have better things to do. Also I don't think I could concentrate right now."


We make our way back down into the kitchen.

I get the pancake mixture out of the fridge and tell Dream to get a pan out of the cabinet.

I turn on the oven and make some delicious pancakes.

"Yeaaahh pancakes!!"

Tommy stumbles down the stairs and places himself on his assigned chair.

"So what do we do now?.."

The blonde mufels as he shoves a pice of food, topped with whipping cream and sprinkles, into his mouth.

"I don't know. We could finally work on our German-essay. We didn't have the time to work on it yet."

"True... yeah we can work on that.."

And with that our plan for the day was satteled, but before that I put on SpongeBob for Tommy and called will that my brother won't be coming to kindergarten today. I  called the school as well.

~ 2 hours later ~

"Dream are you done?" I shout at the Bathroom door.

"Yes just one more second!." An awnser comes thrown back at me, but a little blocked by the door.

Two seconds later he comes out of the room wearing one of my hoodies. It's one of those 2019 galaxy-cat-pizza ones.

"It's a bit small.."

"I mean I am smaller then you..and it's my hoodie.."

"Yeah.. and you ain't getting it back.."

I blush.

"Ok soooo should we start? I guess you don't have your stuff with you.."

"No. But you have yours right?"


10 minutes later.

"Ok so why did the president fuck a fish?" I ask, weirdet out a little..

"No no it was a mermaid."

"It sais fish. It sais he had a child with a salmon, not a mermaid or shape shifter."

"Didn't he later on have another relationship with a sheep?"

"A blue sheep. And that wasn't him, it was his ghost selfe."


"But we have to mention it in the assignment. Or we're getting an f."

President W. Soot was a weard guy, even looking appon the whole zoo file thing. You know blowing  up his own nation and stuff.
But the other ' Presidents' weren't better..

President J. Schlatt: went completely crazy and then got killed by a heart attack.
Last words: I smell burned toast.

Wise president A. HQ. : Went just as wild and destroyed his nation too.
He also ate presidents J. Schlatts. Heart infron of everybody at the funeral, as a sighn of love or something.. He also had sex with like every person ever mentioned, reaching from King Eret to President W. Soot and lastly some normal sidecens...

King G. N. Found. : A mad king who slept most of the time. A legant sais that in his dreams he would communicate with God himself and so brought doom over the land, plus himself of course.

King Eret : He started of as a normal sidecen of L'manburg. But the made a deal with the other side and betrayed her people. The he was made the king of the world but then latter was thrown over by his own people.. just like they did Manu years before...

And last but not least: Sam A.D. , the guard of Pandoras Wold.
He guarded one of the most dangerous men ever to live and that broke his mental disability. He tortured two people and killed one.  One of the persons he hurt the most was his husband, he cut his arm off.

"...hey George are you there? I'm talking to you?.."

"Oh eh.. sorry Dream.. what were you saying?.."

"I was saying that it doesn't matter what the people did, it matters that we get this shit assignment ready before we-.."

A loud banging on the door cuts him off.


"Fuck.. that's my dad.."

My breathing stops.

Omg it's been so long!! (Like 2 weeks but still..)
And I'm soooo excited to be back and actually we hit a mile stone.. the story placed #1 on dnf. AND I THINK THATS FUCKING AWSOME!!
I'm very proud of this story and I want to thank everyone who has helped me write this. So a huge thatnk you to all of my friends, i love you guys <33
And of course you people!! I'm so thankful for all this and it wouldn't be like how it is now without you! So thanks to you too!!

I hope you keep reading even tho the pauses between the publishes of the chapters are getting longer and longer... oh well that's all I had to say really..

Remember to drink water and eat something today and remember that you are loved and cared about!!
Bye guys, until next time! <3

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