2 - True Love in the Form of an Opportunity

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After the events that had taken place at school, I was absolutely wiped out, and the only thing that I wanted to do was lie in my bed and sleep. Unfortunately for me, a brown-haired demon was waiting for me at the front door when I arrived home.

"Yooo, Hitoshi! How was school? Did you make any friends? Anything exciting happen?" My older brother mocked me.

"As if," I shrugged, and tried to make my way up the stairs before he blocked my path.

"Come on, there's got to be something! I won't let you through until you tell me at least one thing about your day."

...Is he serious? I didn't want to think my brother was actually this incredibly stupid, but knowing him, I shouldn't be surprised.

"Fine. My teacher told me today that I have to join a club to have a recreational credit for college, so now I have to go do research on the clubs at my school."
I figured it was best to opt out of telling my brother about Kiraishi, because I knew he would badger me about it to hell and back.

"Pfft, really? You, in a club? That'll happen when hell freezes over. Good luck to your teacher, man."

"Thanks for that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go upstairs.

"Alright, alright, you win. But are you sure you want to go upstairs now? Mom's about to finish making dinner y'know."

"...Yeah, I'm not hungry anyways. I'll just drink some coffee or something later."

"Alright, suit yourself, little bro. Goodluck on finding a club to join."


Once I had made my way to my room, I pulled out my laptop and put my playlist on. I searched up my school's website and skimmed through the list of clubs to see if there would be anything I could join.

Archery...Botany...Cooking...Ugh, who am I kidding? None of these interest me in the slightest. And as much as I like music, I wouldn't be caught dead in the light music club. I'm not about to make a fool of myself performing in front of a crowd like that.

Besides that, I don't even see the "After School Club" listed here as an official club. Was that girl just lying to make a fool out of me?

Whatever, it isn't like it matters anyways. Continuously asking myself all these pointless questions isn't going to do me any good. Maybe I should just join a community service club or something so that I can look good on college applications. That nut job Yume Kiraishi doesn't ever need to be a part of my life again.

Now, let's see...community service...woah. A wave of exhaustion stronger than usual washed over me, and I began to feel the room spin around me. Maybe I should've eaten something after all.

My thoughts quickly became foggy, and just like that, I dozed off right on top of my desk.

The next morning, I woke up feeling like shit. My body felt so heavy that I could barely lift my head off of my computer. The room spun for a few moments, before I finally felt good enough to stand.

"Shit...what time is it?" I glanced over at my clock.

Crap, 8:30 already?! I'm so late! I quickly ran down my stairs and over to my kitchen.

"Hey, Hitoshi, shouldn't you have left by now?" My father turned to face me.

"I overslept," I sighed, and grabbed an energy drink from the fridge.

"You know, you didn't have dinner last night either. You should eat something before you go to school," He frowned.

"Don't have time. I'll eat at school."

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