Headcannon: If You Have A Fictional Crush 💕

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This was a request! Thank you <333

>*intensely staring at the screen*

>He knows that his jealousy is petty but he can't help it..

>His darling likes a fictional character, not good .__.

>Yeah, he doesn't like that at all-

>Literally hates that character now.

>If you ever start talking about the character you simp for he starts getting all pouty :'(

>"You still love me..right?"

>Very dramatic about this whole thing-

>If you're watching the movie/tv show that the character is in, he sits down to watch it with you.

>He figures if there's something you specifically like about them then maybe he could try to be like them?

>He gets a bit insecure </3

>Whenever the character is on screen he might try to distract you by giving you a quick kissu =>=

>Ultimately, just wants to make sure you're happy with him ❤

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