Chapter 7' Good 4 You

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Chapter Seven:
Good 4 You

Warnings; mentions of infidelity (again), smut, angst and fluff....very brief mention of an eating disorder.

Words:7.9k ( I went all out )


"Let's go, Jake, pack your things whatever you need because you aren't staying here." Ari urges Jacob to grab his backpack as the two of them enter the child's room followed by a very angry Laurie, a social worker beside her, and a police officer.

"You can't take him! Who even are you?" Laurie crosses her arms, a distressed look on her face.

"Ari Levinson," Ari stands up to his full height, confidence radiating off of him, "I would shake your hand but I don't like you."

"Oh?" Laurie stops Jacob from packing his drawings, "you don't even know me and I don't even know you! You don't have a right to take my son."

"I know enough about you Laurie to know that you aren't a good person and we have the proof to prove that....why do you think I came accompanied?" Ari takes the drawings from Laurie's grasp and hands them back to Jacob as he proceeded to place them in his bag.

"I-I wanna talk to Andy!" Laurie cries, "where is he?"

"That won't be allowed," Ari states, "he has a restraining order against you and you are apart of an ongoing investigation."

Crying, Jacob stuff all his pajamas and his shirts, shorts, and his stuffie that his father had gifted him during their son/father day, about a year ago.

The social worker takes Jacob by the hand, leading him out of the room to leave Laurie and Ari to converse.

"Who are you again?" Laurie narrows her eyes at the tall man.

"Ari. Levinson." Ari says again, "DA of Seaport Firm, and Andy's friend, if you were a good wife you'd remember that Andy and I went to law school together....I was at your wedding...." He takes a few steps closer to her, "and what you did was awful and guess what? It's a crime to rape somebody. Therefore, you'll be seeing the inside of a jail cell real soon....and no...we don't care who your father is."

Ari slides his sunglasses back on and leaves the room.

He really doesn't care if Raymond would go after him because he was traveling with a high security team at all times, and another team was watching over Andy at a safe house where Jacob would be taken to.

Ari, the social worker and Jacob waited near the door for Laurie to come and say her final goodbye. But she never walked down.

The police officer that came with Ari, walked down the stairs.

"She said she's not coming down." He says, placing his hands on his belt.

Ari, places his hand on Jacob's shoulder, crouching down to be at his level.

"Let's go see your dad, bud." Ari takes a tissue out from his suit and hands it to Jake.

"But...but my mom.....why doesn't she want to say goodbye to me?"

Ari sighs, breathing deeply.

"Your dad is waiting for you, buddy, let's go." Ari opens the door and takes Jake's hand leading him to the state issued SUV.


Twirling around in your desk chair, you stopped in front of the large windows in your office at the new firm, here in NY.

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