Pt 3

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Once I've got beds enough for the two of them, I pause before placing them.  Phil asks, "Something wrong mate? We don't have to sleep here if you don't want." I shake my head. "It's not that, well, it is, but I'm not telling you to duece. I'm just nervous about letting somebody set spawn again." Techno nods understandingly, and Phil furrows his brow, wondering how to solve the dilemma. 

Techno speaks up and says, "We could just break them in the morning. No spawn no problem, right?" I think for a moment and nod. Then I toss them the beds to set up wherever and make sure the dogs are all here. Then I go out to the balcony and do a precursory glance over everything, checking for fire or other people. Satisfied with the lack of both, I see Phil and Techno have set up, and are waiting on me. We snuggle into our beds, and sleep.


We wake up at dawn, and Phil asks, "Hey. What's that build in the distance? Looks like a small cabin, maybe? Over on the beach, there." He gestures me over and points to it. "Oh! That's my strip mine and fisherman's cabin. It's also where I set off to Birch from, and usually to the village about two to three hours' travel from here." 

Techno looks confused, and I sigh. "I know it's stupid of me to have made a strip mine under a place surrounded by water, but the ground here is full of the Death Caverns. Every time I've wandered down there, I've gotten lost discovering and lighting new areas, run out of torches or food, and needed to dig myself out." Phil looks baffled. "Really? Now I kinda wanna see it." Techno nods in turn. "Kinda interested myself, now." I shake my head. "That's how I lost my second life. I really don't recommend you go down there. Besides, I blocked of the main entrance a long time ago."

I point to the cabin. "I'll show you guys the cabin and the village today, if you promise not to go looking for The Caverns. Okay?" Techno raises a brow and responds, "You know we could just explore it anyways and just find the caverns ourselves if they're as everywhere as you say." I feel my face turn bitterly angry, because of how easily I could lose my only allies to that place. 

I look at the floor and shake my head. "Fine. And when you die I'll make a gravestone for you each under the thinking tree. Or maybe I'll finally make a graveyard for all I've lost, and set your stones there." I push past Phil and hop down into the small pond at the bottom of the ladder.

I get to work untying my best horse, and collecting haybales and paper. "Wait up! Y/N, hey!" I hear Phil nearly shouting and ignore him. Once I've got the stuff for the trading I'm gonna do, I hop onto my horse and put his armor on. 

But Phil jumps in front of my horse. "Whoa! Is it really that bad?" I send him a frosty look. "Yes. It very much fucking is. But go, get yourselves killed. I should've known to hold off on caring, that's on me. At least now I'll have an excuse for a proper graveyard." Phil frowns and asks, "Mind if I use one of your horses? And one for Techno?" I sigh, and nod. Well, this is what I get for caring about strangers. I don't even know where the hell they came from or if they're allied with Dream and I was ready to call them friends.

I begin the journey across the island over to the village, and note hoofbeats behind me. I look back and see Phil and Techno following me. Over the river, past the nether portal. Over the hills. They keep following me. The hell? Whatever. They probably think I'm riding off to The Caverns to seal off an entrance or something. But they're not hiding from me. 

I ride around the west shore of the island and cross the shitty cobble bridge I made over to the land the village is on. I'm still not sure whether or not it's an island or a continent, but it's a lovely spot. I tie up my horse on the post that holds the village bell, and Techno silently does the same, followed by Phil.

I ignore them, and exchange small talk with the villagers. Then I go over to the cartographer and hand him as much paper as he can carry, as per usual, and he hands me five emeralds, plus a sixth for helping him carry it to his study. I head up the librarian and do the same, getting seven emeralds instead of six. 

Finally, I head over to one of the farms and trade with the farmer there, giving him as much wheat as he can store, enough for four winters, and he hands me six emeralds as the cartographer did. I spend some time lighting the area around the village some more, and killing the drowned just offshore for them. 

Once I've greeted everyone, I hand the cleric my extra rotten flesh for an emerald. I don't know what the hell he uses it all for, but I've got no use for it. I hear Techno introduce himself as Technoblade, and I furrow my brow as I remember how little I know about these people. Hell, we've only known each other for a day or two. 

And yet I've started to trust so easily. Damn it. Have I really been that lonely, even with the villagers? It's been too long since I've had genuine conversation with anyone. I know the villagers all by name, and none of them were ever told about what happened with Dream. 

"Y/N? Y/N, hey." I hear Techno saying. I look over at him, and raise a brow. "Sorry, you looked kinda lost in thought there. But Phil left a little while ago, and just sent a crow sayin' that he needs to milk one of your cows." I look at him confused, and respond, "Why? Bad omen?"

 He tilts his head at me and says, "Yeah. How did you know? Is there an outpost near your house or somethin'?" I shake my head. "No, Illager parties just like showing up to piss me off and steal my stuff. I usually just merc 'em, but I still don't know where they come from. We should get back." I say, nodding towards the near sunset. He nods and mounts his horse, and I follow suit, saying goodbye to the villagers.

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