007. under the skin

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╔ ——————————————— ╗CHAPTER SEVEN"under the skin"╚ ——————————————— ╝

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"under the skin"
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STILES SEEMED TO thrive in crime scenes.

It was... for lack of a better term, insanely weird. He was the first one to arrive at the scene, red-faced and swearing rapidly as he tripped and fell down the hill. He then rose to his feet, made sure that Lex was okay, and observed the body for a solid three minutes before others came barreling over. Now, they were waiting for the police to arrive, and Lex was wringing her hands together as if it would do anything to relieve her nerves.

 Stiles reappeared by her side, practically buzzing as he held out his hands, "Okay, I have an incredibly important question to ask you, and you have to just trust that it's not me being a pervert." 

 "Well that's a great way to start a conversation," Lex muttered dryly, shooting the boy a look as she detangled small twigs from her hair. "Go on, but no guarantee that I won't slap you." 

 "Okay..." he paused, pursing his lips as if contemplating the best way to ask his question. "Are you... a virgin?"

 Lex briefly considered slapping him in the face. In fact, she felt her hand inch upwards, but quickly laced her palms together and folded them neatly in front of her. Instead of slapping him, she settled with settling a steely glare on the boy - one that made him shift uncomfortably on his feet. 

 "Because," he continued, holding up a finger, gesturing vaguely to the corpse. People were crowded tightly together, all trying to get a glimpse of the despondent sight. Coach Finstock was one of these people, occasionally yelling out a "back up if you don't want to smell like death!" or "I swear if the police arrest any of you I will be profoundly disappointed, stay back!"

Stiles continued, "we think that someone is doing human sacrifices, there were three others just like this one. Some guy that Lydia found, a girl who was in the woods the other night, and uh-" his voice trailed off slightly, a barely noticeable wince passing over his face. "Um, and Heather."  

 "Heather?" Lex repeated, her eyes widening as she subconsciously put her hand to her chest, feeling her heartbeat quicken under her fingerprints. "Oh my god, Stiles I-" 

She suddenly felt at a loss for words, and then she felt angry at herself for feeling that way. She used to be able to talk to Stiles about everything; no matter how obscured, or utterly embarrassing, it was. Now, it was like her lips had been sewed shut, and she had to re-live exactly why they drifted apart in the first place.

She felt her chest clench, "I'm sorry, that- that's awful. She seemed really sweet." 

 "Yeah, well-" the boy cleared his throat, "she was a virgin, so were the other two. I don't know who or what would be doing this, but it seems kinda like they have a goal in mind." 

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