005. knowledge is pain

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╔ ——————————————— ╗CHAPTER FIVE"knowledge is pain"╚ ——————————————— ╝

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"knowledge is pain"
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 A famous line spoken by Sir Francis Bacon - and one that was drilled into Lex's mind since she was a child. She always thought it was a frivilous thing to say; especially since it was coming from a man whose last name was Bacon.

 When Lex was a child, she dreamed of power. She thought that power came in hand with good fortune, and good fortune was a key to a happy life. She looked at her parents, both of whom seemed to get by with adequate amounts of power, and hoped to be like them. As she grew older and a page was turned on what the world was really like, she began to rethink. 

 Lex was used to knowing things about people. She was used to being an adverse figure in people's eyes, simply due to the underlying notion that she knew something about them that they didn't want her to. Lex then came up with her own philosphy, one to counteract what was said by an old man years and years ago:

 Knowledge is a burden. 

 It's true, isn't it? Knowledge may be helpful, but at the end of the day, it causes more harm than good. You gain knowledge and people begin to expect things of you. They expect you to use that knowledge and grow; expanding your roots deep into the ground and raising towards the sun. When a person (specifically a woman, but that's a conversation for another time) is blessed with knowledge, people want them to prove time and time again that they hold on to that power. But when power is expected, and power is used against you - it becomes burden. 

Now, Lex liked to think that the burden of her knowledge was making her suffocate. At first, she was planning to stay in her room and think of vast theories for why there was an emblem of an abandoned bank on her wrist - but then she dove too deep into her own mind. She thought about how Derek Hale was looking for Boyd and Erica; two teens who haven't been heard from in weeks. She thought about the prospect of an abandoned bank: stone walls, metal vaults, closed off and heavily protected and... well, she couldn't help but think that it would make sense for kidnappers to hide people there. 

 And then she started thinking about Stiles' friend, Heather. She knew that the Stilinski boy didn't want her help, and she would never admit it aloud - but she did want to see if anything could be done about it. 

 Which was how she found herself biking down the street in the middle of the night, her nerves on high alert as the full moon beat down on her. 

 Lex hated being outside at night more than she hated anything else in the world. She felt like a target at all times: like a gazelle running through a pack of lions. So she wore all black, trying to obscure her features as much as possible, hoping that the reflectors on her bike were enough to keep her from being hit by a car or something stupid like that. She had her hair tied back, a black beanie hiding most of the dark strands as she pedeled along. It didn't take long for the bank to come into sight, and she wasn't sure what her goal was as she stopped her bike near the entrance. 

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