Chapter 1: Weird Feeling

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Well, let's finally get this shit started so there you go, good luck in your eyes.


Renekton starts to open his eyes, Shouldn't have been exaggerating yesterday, he thought, getting up from his bed he looks at the empty beer bottles, he really shouldn't have drunk them all, he puts on his clothes and leaves his room.

"Good morning brother" Nasus said while preparing breakfast, Nasus usually always took care of the meals in the morning since Renekton almost always wakes up late due to overindulgence with alcohol "Good morning Nasus, the usual for breakfast?"

"Yes the usual, tea and pancakes to cure your hangover" Said Nasus with an angry look at his brother "Do you have to drink every night till you drop? It's almost 9:30" Renekton's eyes widened as he heard that "9-thirty? Shit, I have a match in half an hour!"

He grabbed the tea, gulped it all down and headed towards the bathroom "I'll take a shower, thanks for the coffee Nasus" The door closes real quick and Nasus just shakes his head "Never learns" he muttered under his breath before heading back to his room to read a book .


Even with all the delay Renekton still managed to arrive on time and entered the match, still a little hungover which left him worried about his performance in the match, when he started he went straight to his route at the top to kill the minis and defeat his lane enemy, which by the way was Darius, the axe of Noxus.

Renekton was very close to level 6, Darius as always spoke up to provoke "Drink again? don't you get tired of doing that?" By this time Renekton had already become upset. "Always gets drunk and spoils other people's games."

By the time Renekton got level 6 first than Darius, he went up and started fighting him with all his strength, the two were low on health Darius about to kill Renekton, but he uses his R to gain life and killing Darius next "I think even drunk I can still finish you, haha!"After the fight he was going back to base since he was low on health, when he was almost there, he heard an insect noise, when he saw there was a purple cockroach jumping on his face, better known as his friend Kha-zix.

Kha-zix taking advantage of Renekton's recent fight with Darius wanted to kill his friend to make up for the "loss" "Nothing personal Renekton, just doing my job" After that Kha-zix came at Renekton with his claw to crush him , when he was about to die he heard a jumping noise    "I am the storm!"

A lightning bear jumped on top of Kha-zix and with Renekton's help finished him off "Thank you so much Volibear for saving me-" Before he could finish the sentence he tripped over one of the minion's swords, when he was inches from Volibear's ground He held it and lifted it leaving their faces inches apart.

"Take care big" Said Volibear with a captivating smile, Renekton's face was in a very strong red tone "T-Thank you for that and before" After that Renekton got up normally and calmed down "I'll be going, watch out next Renekton" Said Volibear just before leaving for the jungle.

After that, the game continued normally, but in team fights Volibear and Renekton always got flawless teamwork and always won, until their enemy team decided to go mid lane and take everything "All forward in the middle haha!" said Darius as usual with a leader complex.

In the middle lane only had Renekton and Volibear close to defend, they were obviously at a disadvantage, "Do you really want to try? It's very risky" Volibear pronounced himself in view of the dangerous situation they were in "Well I don't know about you but I'd rather risk it!" Renekton spoke with a mischievous smile on his face, Volibear just replied with the same smile, together they went all out for them.

Even in smaller numbers they were so strong that they destroyed them all in a few seconds, everyone was surprised, even the two of them "Wow, I didn't even expect that" Renekton said scared, after that the enemy team surrendered and the entire virtual world was dissipating, before it was all over Volibear gave his right hand a thumbs up, Renekton, with a blush on his face, just smiled in response.


After the end of the match Renekton returned to the real world and soon saw Sivir who was on his team, gave her a wave and a smile, which she just ignored, Renekton just lowered his head in defeat, then Kha-zix came to congratulate him "Damn man, you were amazing!" Renekton returned to his normal mood and said "Of course I was amazing! but I also owe credit to Volibear who helped me a lot" At that moment Renekton remembered the moment Volibear saved him and the strange feeling he felt.

He must just be a nice guy, that's all, thought Renekton, who was soon snapped out of his thoughts by Kha-zix "Hey man, let's have some at your place as usual?" Renekton came back to the real world saying "Let's go of course-" and stopping mid-sentence after seeing Volibear walking down the hall with them.

"Wait a second, I'll be right back" Renekton said as he left Kha-zix and headed towards Volibear "Hey man, you played really well today, it was a great game!" Volibear stopped in his tracks and addressed Renekton "Thanks you too"Volibear was heading towards his room when Renekton stopped him "Hey wait, wanna come with me and Kha-zix for drinks at my place? to celebrate?" Volibear thought for a while and then replied "Of course, why not?, if I'm not bothered, I'll just stop by my room first" Renekton was clearly very happy

"Of course it won't be too much trouble, I'll see you there" and then Renekton came back very excited next to Kha-zix, who said confused "What was that? since when do you talk to Volibear?" Renekton replied "He's a nice guy, and we played really well today" Kha-zix didn't protest, but clearly still with misgivings


When they arrived in the room they were greeted by Nasus "Good night Kha-zix, damn Renekton today you killed the match!" Kha-zix completed him "Yes he was amazing! he even called Volibear here today!" Nasus confronted Renekton perplexed "What do you mean? since when do you like him?" Renekton froze a little at the word "like", due to the strange sensations today, but replied "He played well with me I thought it would be cool"

"Gee, Renekton making friends, that's new" Kha-zix rudely replied Nasus "Just go! Get the beer!" Nasus with a sharp look at Kha-zix, turned and went to get beer from the fridge."Dim-Dom" a ringing sound came from the door and Renekton was running over there "Must be him", he confirmed his hypothesis opening the door "Hello Renekton, Good evening, what a nice house" Renekton just replied with a blush on his face. face "O-la Vo-libear, thank you can come in"

What the hell is that? why am I nervous?, thought Renekton after giving space to Volibear, finally Kha-zix interrupted "Open the beer and let's get started!" Nasus just huffed, knowing he had a long job ahead of him.


Fuck, I finally finished this, I think it was even reasonable, and sorry if it was too forced out of nowhere for Volibear to go to his house but remember that they already "knew" each other, they just weren't friends, all champions know everyone, they just aren't friends of all, that's it, I hope that if anyone reads this you liked it, if that's the case, comment, I'll probably answer, until the next chapter, which I don't know when it's released, finally goodbye!

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