Chapter 6: Problems

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This chapter name is kind of shit, but what can you do, enjoy it

Renekton opened his eyes, normally he would be drunk but not today, he got up, calm, he sat on his bed ready to get up, when he heard something falling "Sorry, go back to sleep!" he was having dejavu

He dressed quickly and ran to open the door "Volibea-, Nasus?!" Nasus turned around and replied "Hi, sorry to wake you, did you sleep well?" Renekton walked over to the couch "Yes, I slept, where is Volibear?" Nasus turned to him and smiled "A yeah he had to leave something about his brother not being home and bla bla bla now tell me what happened to you guys?"

Renekton said nervously with a blush on her face "Nothing, we... we saw a movie and... and... we kissed..." said the last part very quietly "Did you kiss? how amazing, I'm so happy for you" Nasus said slapping Renekton on the back

Renekton changed the subject "And you, what were you doing on your trip?" Nasus went back to cooking the coffee "I went along with some champions to recruit a new champion, he is very nice you will love to meet him, he arrives next week"

"Well, I hope he knows how to drink, hahaha!" Nasus hit himself on the head "Anyway Khazix invited us today to drink with the guys, everyone goes to Volibear's friends" Renekton started eating what Nasus had made

"Well I'll be there, but don't tell anyone about Volibear and all, I don't want anyone to know yet.." Nasus nodded "Okay, but know that everyone won't mind" Renekton nodded but didn't change his mind

A few hours ago in Volibear's room

Volibear enters the room, the light is off, he turns it on only to see Ornn sitting on the couch looking at him intensely "Hello" Volibear jumps in fright "Ornn? Fuck you! don't scare me to death!"

Ornn laughed with all the strength of his body "Oh my god your face, but then where were you last night not to show up at home?" Volibear freezes "You don't care, and how did you know I wasn't home? You never are either"

"Accidentally I came back early yesterday, and I didn't run into you" Voliebar got some water and sat on the couch "I stayed at a friend's house, that's all" Ornn raised an eyebrow "Is this friend a crocodile by any chance?" a blush appeared on Volibear "No!"

"That's a yes, but so what~?" Volibear turned his face "Oh my god! of course not, I'm not you" Ornn lowered his head "AAAAh, you're such a sissy, my god, and by the way I'm sorry for fighting with you, I was irritated by something else , I was an asshole"

Volibear was startled "Hello? Ornn apologizing?" Ornn punched him in the shoulder "Hey! I'm not that bad" Volibear just laughed, Ornn was disgusted, but ended up laughing along

A few hours later Renekton arranged to meet Volibear to go to the bar with everyone, Volibear was waiting at the door when Renekton and Nasus came out in casual clothes.

"Good morning Nasus, Hi Renecky" Volibear waved "Good morning Volibear" Nasus and Renekton said at the same time, with Renekton blushing red at Volibear's nickname, Renekton practically jumped up beside Volibear who instinctively took his hand

Renekton blushed, while Nasus chuckled softly "Smoothly Renekton is new to me" Renekton punched him in the shoulder "Shut up" Volibear just chuckled

When they arrived at the bar they were all there, so Volibear let go of Renekton's hand, who tried to protest softly "Are you afraid to tell them?" Volibear replied, also quietly "Not for the time being, okay?" Renekton nodded, reluctantly.

As the night wore on, everyone got drunk, even those who didn't do it the least, like Azir, who by the way went to talk to Volibear "What's up, big guy? how are you?" Volibear stopped to chat too "Oops, I'm great" Azir opened a smile "What about you and the crocodile head?"

"Renekton? What's with the 2?" Volibear said nervously "Man, it's very obvious, apart from that I saw you coming hand in hand" Volibear tried to protest but gave up "Okay, ok you got me"

"I never expected Renekton to be the type to date guys" Azir commented "Well I like him a lot, I hope everything works out" Azir agreed, at the same time Olaf ran by drunk and bumped into Volibear

Volibear stumbled making him kiss Azir by accident "Forgive me" Volibear said "Relax, it was an accident" Volibear turned to fight with Olaf but saw Renekton standing looking at the two, with tears on his face

Volibear assumed that Renekton saw the accident "Renecky, calm down, that's not what you're thinking, it was just a-" he stopped mid-sentence as Renekton ran out "Renecky! Wait!"

Volibear ran out to reach Renekton, before he could Nasus punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground "What the fuck Volibear! How can you do that to Renekton!" Nasus said angrily

"Calm down, it was an accident, Olaf bumped into me, it was by accident" when he saw that Renekton was gone he got angry "Shit!" said throwing a chair at the wall in anger

He ran towards Renekton and Nasus' room, the door was closed "Renecky! open the door, please let me explain!" Renekton was at the door listening but ignoring

When it was getting late Volibear gave up and left, making Renekton relax and go to the fridge for a glass of beer It's going to be a long night, he thought.Well, this was short, and the content was an ass, but I needed to create a conflict, that's it, goodbye

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