Black Sea

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Jeongguk is back there again. In the place he hates most of all— his own mind.

When he closes his eyes, he finds himself in an endless sea. The water is black, he can see it under his feet. Sometimes he walks endlessly on the surface and when the path leads nowhere, he sits down and waits to wake up.

In the distance, there's nothing but the grey fog that swallows everything. 

But there are other times that a green light penetrates his eyes and in the horizon appears a lighthouse.

It's the same as Bangsan's. Jeongguk doesn't know why he keeps having this specific dream or nightmare. Kim Seokjin believes it may be connected to the day his father disappeared and his need for guidance.

But the green light is confusing him. What is its meaning? Jeongguk hasn't discovered that yet.

Now as he walks down the surfaces of the black sea he can hear the wind chimes in the distance. 

Jeongguk pays no attention to them, carrying on when his eyes fall on the black boat sailing gracefully on the black sea of his mind.

He never gets close enough to see what's inside and today shouldn't be any different. Unless…

The boat is now sailing towards him and Jeongguk can see it more clearly than he has ever done.

Weird , he thinks, increasing his pace. The vessel looks like one of those fishing boats that fishermen have around here. Jeongguk believes it must be the Bada Boseog— Sea Gem. It's his father's fishing boat.

Look at the fishing net! 

The voice of a child echoes everywhere, forcing the doe-eyed boy to stop. 

They can catch a mermaid with a net that big!

Jeongguk is sure the voice comes from the boat and he runs towards it, making the surface of the water wrinkle.

Don't be silly, mermaids would never get fooled by the nets! They are smart!

This voice… So soothing. So familiar.

But what if they get caught?

The sound of crying is then heard all around him. The boat is closer and Jeongguk can, for the first time, see two small figures on it.

Then we'll set them free, Jeongguk…

"Who are you?" The young boy shouts, running faster towards the vessel.

The crying stops. Jeongguk can recognize the sound of his own voice. He is on that boat. Yes…

The green light appears again, hitting the boat and Jeongguk can now see the young version of himself. Round cheeks. Huge and curious eyes.

Let's free them together,—

But when the light is about to show him the second one, the water behind him swallows him. 


Jeongguk's lungs fill with water.

Down below…

The image of the second one is distorted. He knows him. He's sure. 

Come find me…

* * *

"Jeongguk?" The voice of his mother slowly pulls him out of the bizarre dream.


"You're awake, thank god!" 

A Body Of Water; A Mind Of LightWhere stories live. Discover now