The Man

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     “I have no idea what to write!” she knocked down the books that stood high on her desk in her room.

     “Girl, chill. You’re gonna think of something,” Peter took a bite of his sandwich, sitting on her bed.

     “Easy for you to say, you’re legit the smartest kid in the grade.”

     “And the gayest,” he went over to her desk while laughing. He lifted up her laptop and closed it. The laptop was thrown on the bed and she took her phone out of her sweatpants pocket, swiping through Instagram.

     “Maybe I shouldn’t do this contest thing,” she let out a sigh and looked at Peter.

     He looked at her and thought, "Maybe you just need some inspiration, Dee,” Peter took her hand and lifted her up. “Go on, get your boots and coat on.”

     "Are you joking? It’s freezing outside! What am I gonna get inspired about? Freezing my butt off?”

     "You just might,” Peter glanced at her smiling, shoving on his boots and
grabbing his beanie. They walked out of her room and out the front door.

     “I have this weird feeling that something’s gonna happen . . .”

     “Huh?” Peter looked at her.

     "Oh, nothing,” she turned her head towards the yard filled with snow. She squinted her eyes and shaded them with her hand.
     The sun and the snow were clashing together to create a bright omnipotent being. Down the road a few blocks, there was a group of neighborhood kids who were having a snowball fight. The dog next door was frolicking in the snow and the old lady watched him go. And yet, she
didn’t see anything that poked at her.

     “Peter? Why can’t I think of anything?” Peter let out a long breath then watched it float in the air.

     "Eh, I tried. Wanna watch a movie? That might help,” he drew out another long breath and she swiped through it with her hand.

     “And write a story about what I just watched? Isn’t that some sort of copyright?”

     “Oh, I guess you’re right. How about we go into town? Surely there’s some old person complaining about the snow.”

     “Or we could go to the gas station, and get some Monsters?” she reached in her pocket and grabbed a card to wave it in his face. Peter smiled from ear to ear and started walking down the road.

     The trip there was quite cold. The winter weather left dead leaves flying above their heads. On the way there, she thought of new ways to continue her story. Peter got on his phone, leaving her alone in her own world.

     The upset teen closed her eyes and envisioned her story so far. It was about two people who secretly like each other. The sapphire twinkling eyes looking into the heavy
emerald ones for a split second at an amusement park. The blond tips in his hair made her adore him even more. But something was missing. Maybe it was the type of-


     "Demi? DEMI!!!!!!!?!” Peter frantically ran towards Demi who was lying ten feet from where they were walking. Blood was spilling from behind her stomach and she was
reaching out for help.

     “Ha-hang on, Demi . . . I-I’m gonna call the po-police!” He unlocked his phone with shaky fingers and kept dialing the wrong number.

     The driver came up with their phone up to their ear. “Thank you,” they put the phone in their pocket. “I called them, you’re welcome.”

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