SML + SMG4 Revelations: Goodbye Jeffy!

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Disclaimer: This Revelations Arc is not canon to the original SMG4 series and therefore, this takes place in the alternate continuity, where SML: A New Generation takes place.

Oh fun fact: There will be music in this storyline arc. :)

(This plot was inspired by Pokemon Sword and Shield and its anime counterpart of the story arc. You may noticed why there are so many Pokemon music in this story.)

(This plot was inspired by Goodbye Pikachu from Pokemon)

It's been a few days since the Forest Behind the Gate incident, but everything seems fine in these past days.

Everyone were doing their routines, Marvin and Rose were watching Jeffy in the living room downstairs, Chef Pee Pee was cooking lunch. Junior, Joseph and Cody are in the living room upstairs.

Rose: Hey, Marvin? We haven't gone out for like three days!

Marvin: Yeah, I feel like I don't want to go out again ever since the incident at the Forest Behind the Gate.

Rose: I mean, it's just one incident!

Marvin: But I still don't know where that creature came from.

Rose: What's that?

Marvin: Oh um, nothing! It's just...nothing else.

Jeffy: Hey daddy? Can we go out today?

Marvin: No, Jeffy. We can't go out today.

Jeffy: You told me this for three days! When are you gonna take me outside?!

Marvin: Jeffy! I said today we're not going out!

Jeffy: Fine! If you won't, I'll find a way!

Jeffy left the living room.

Rose: Marvin! Do you think you're being too harsh?

Marvin: Rose, it's not like that. I'm sick of him asking this. It's been years since we adopted him, but I still haven't got over him.

Rose: Maybe you should talk him out.

Marvin: I guess you're right.

Marvin went upstairs to Jeffy's room.

Marvin: Hey, Jeffy. I just wanted to say I'm sorry that I didn't take you outside. I was an idiot, look I promised tomorrow, I will take you to Disneyworld, alright? Jeffy?

Marvin opened the door, only to find out Jeffy's missing.

Marvin: JEFFY!!! Where did you go?! Wait...You...

It turns out Jeffy had left the house from the window he climbed out.

Meanwhile with Jeffy

While Jeffy was running, he bumped into a man.

???: Oof! Kid! Where are you going?

Jeffy: Daddy won't take me outside so I escaped from the house!

???: Aw, kid. Would you like to have me taking care of you instead of your dad?

Jeffy: Huh? What are you talking about?

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