SML + SMG4 Revelations: Reach for the Stars!

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Disclaimer: This Revelations Arc is not canon to the original SMG4 series and therefore, this takes place in the alternate continuity, where SML: A New Generation takes place.

Oh fun fact: There will be music in this storyline arc. :)

(This plot was inspired by Pokemon Sword and Shield and its anime counterpart of the story arc. You may noticed why there are so many Pokemon music in this story.)

The episode began with a brief scene from SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2021, during Axol's last moments in his universe.

Axol: Melony...Thank you for the adventure...

Melony cried out Axol, before she sliced him. Killing SMG0 for good...or is it?

Somewhere inside Zero's mind...

The scenes are now in cinematic mode, similar to SMG4's videos that used this mode during dramatic scenes.

Marvin: Ugh, what happened? Wait, Jeffy! Everyone! Where are you guys?

He looked around, and he noticed that his house was now in ruins.

Marvin: W-what happened here? What happened to my house?!

???: Hello, Marvin.

Marvin: Who's there?!

???: Oh? You don't know? I am Zero, I'm controlling your body now.

Marvin: What do you do with my body?!

Zero: I'm using your body to destroy your universe.

Marvin: You can't do this!

Zero: You see, Marvin. Jeffy was originally going to be my test subject, that was until you came along to save him. I was considering of releasing you and instead took over Jeffy's body. But I had an idea, I'll make him fight or even killing you out of misery. Another thing that I wanted to keep you inside my mind because I knew that you're the son of the famous hero who saved the world from the Robot King and the robot tribes.

Marvin: I-I know I am...but you have to let me out now!

Zero: Sorry, Marvin. But I refused to. Goodbye.

Zero then disappeared.

Marvin: Oh no, what am I going to do now?!



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