is she mad at me???

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Aizawa POV:
It was Friday in the morning, I was teaching my problem children, while teaching my students, Nezu called me and the other pro "what does he needs now" I thought "Iida and Momo I will leave this problem children to you, make sure that this problem children does not make a mess" I said "Yes sir, You can count on us" Iida said "Okay I guess" I said then I walk out of the class then headed to Nezu office when I got there "Eraserhead your here anyway I call you all because I have important news to you all" Nezu said "Oh what is it Principal Nezu" Midnight said "Yeah I'm curious about your news" Mic said "What is it" I said "We have a new teacher in UA going to replace with Class 2-A teacher" Nezu said "Wait really" Midnight said "Who's going to be replacing the Class 2-A teacher is it girl or boy" Aizawa said "Yeah Principal Nezu it is also a Pro Hero" Mic said "Well yeah she's a Pro Hero and teacher in Ketsubutsu Academy" Nezu said "Wait Is it Emi" Midnight said "Hmmm" I hummed "Well your correct Midnight Emi Fukukado also known as Ms.joke the smile Pro Hero are going to teach now Class 2-A and she will also be a substitute teacher in Class 1-A 1-B 1-C not to worry about the teacher of Class 2-A he will also be teaching ms.joke class they are just going to replace class and the Principal of Ketsubutsu Academy agree to it" Nezu said "Ekkkkk I will be seeing Emi everyday" Nemuri said exited "and now we can hangout everyday" Nemuri said cheerfully "Yeah can't wait till she works in here now I can hangout with her everydayyyyy" Mic said excitedly "What's so excited about Mic don't tell me you like Emi are you stealing her from Aizawa" Midnight said teasing (but deep inside jelous) getting close to Mic "Eh I can't tell it midnight" Mic said blushing "Will you two shut up" I said annoyed "Anyway is that only the reason why you called us can I go now" I said "Yeah sure you all can go now" Nezu said me and the other pro hero already go back to their class when I got there in my class I teach my class when one of my student as a question "Sir if you don't mind asking why did principal Nezu called the pro hero and teacher" Momo said "Well Momo, principal Nezu said that Class 2-A will have new teacher she will also be your substitute teacher" Aizawa said "But sir what about the class 2-A teacher" Ochaco said "Well Uraraka the class 2-A teacher will also gonna teach class 2-A of Ketsubutsu" I said "Wait isn't Ms.joke their teacher, did Ms.joke resign" Denki said shocked "Well yeah" I said "Oh man why didn't she tell me" Denki said "Huh why would she tell you idiot" Jirou said "Eh let's just say I have her contact number and plus we are hanging out" Denki said "Are you seriously fucking hitting on the teacher idiot isn't she like 10+ older than you" Bakugou said "Eh Age doesn't matter plus I'm not hitting on her she's my friend and she's teaching me about hero work" Denki said "What, are you saying that you don't understand what us teaching you about hero work and decided to ask to Joke teach about hero work" I said "Haha I didn't mean to say like that I meant that she help me giving an inspiration on why I want to be a hero or what's my purpose why I want to be a hero she also teach some basic combat" Denki said and then someone call him "Huh who's calling me now anyway sensei can I answer this" Denki said "Sure just hurry up" I said "Oh wait it's Ms.joke" Denki said excitedly and then answer his phone call "Hey Mom what do you need" Denki said "Well Denki I'm here to tell you that I'll be teaching Class 2-A in there and will be your class substitute teacher" Ms.joke said "Wait really so your the new teacher that will replacing class 2-A teacher that's awesome" Denki said excited "Haha can't wait till I teach your class anyway see you I'll have to go" Ms.joke said "Goodbye Mom" Denki said then ended the call "Mom" I and the class 1-A shout except Denki "Well sensei Ms.joke is like my second mother so I'm calling her Mom" Denki said "Huh since when did you get close to Ms.joke she's literally has a beautiful legs, face and most importantly she's hot like damn if only I can touch those beautiful legs and big boobs and most importantly her pu" Mineta said  but got interrupt because Denki use his quirk on Mineta "It's better to shut your mouth and next time you say those word to her even though we're friend I'm gonna kill you" Denki said with a deadly glare "Wow Denki I didn't know you are like that to Ms.joke anyway thanks for shutting him" Ochaco said "Yeah kero he's annoying" Tsuyu said "I agree" Mina said "thumbs up Denki" Hagakure said "I know it's wrong but anyway thanks for shutting him he's quite annoying me" Momo said "For once your useful Kaminari" Jirou said "What's that supposed to mean kyoka" Denki said "Shut up class anyway why are you so overprotective and cared so much about joke" I said "Well sensei she's the only person that make me smile and cheer me up and making me feel that I'm not useless or an idiot" Denki said smiling "What" I said "Denki bro you are not useless who said that" Kirishima said "You all are the one that always making me feel that I'm useless and idiot" Denki said about to cry "Denki it's true that I always say your an idiot but I didn't know that it will be hurting you I'm sorry" Jirou said "Haha Jirou no need to say sorry plus it's true I'm an idiot and useless" Denki said smiling about to cry then Bakugou stand up and directly walk to Denki "Dunce Face yeah sure I always say your an fucking idiot and useless but that just a tease you aren't useless to be honest you have a powerful quirk you actually can beat me if you only knew know how to use it properly" Bakugou said "Bakugou those are the nice word you ever said to me thank you" Denki said crying "Stop crying your acting like a baby you know" Bakugou said pissed off because Denki sobbing while hugging him "Yeah kamibro you aren't useless" Kirishima said "Bro yeah sure we always say your an idiot but that doesn't mean we see you as a useless" Sero said "Yeah Denki it's just a tease it's normal on friend teasing each other but don't you ever say or feel your useless and about the idiot thingy well that's kinda of true though it's just you act like an idiot that's why everyone saying your an Idiot" Mina said "Your not a useless Denki actually I want to thank you because you help me multiple times" Jirou said "All of you go back your sit and Denki since when did you feel like this as your teacher you could have said it to me and your not useless remember that" I said "Guys thanks" Denki said smiling and crying "Your welcome Denki and we love you" Everyone said except Bakugou and me then everyone look at Bakugou "What Extra" Bakugou said annoyed "Ugh fine stop looking at me anyway I love you too Denki but as a fucking friend only you dipshit" Bakugou said then the class laugh "Okay enough with that take a sit already" I said "What about you sensei aren't you gonna say I love you too to Denki" The class said except Denki who's quite "Ugh fine I love you too there are you satisfied" I said annoyed "That doesn't sound sincere sensei" Mina said "Sigh fine I love you too Denki and your not a an idiot or useless remember that okay" I said "Aww thanks sensei" Denki said "What about us Sensei you don't love us" The class said except Bakugou Todoroki Tokoyami Denki "Fine I love you all of my students and I care for you all okay, that's why I'm so tough on you all because I want you all to learn and protect yourself" I said then the class run to my direction I was confused then they hug me "What" I said confused "We love you too sensei" Class 1-A said except Bakugou Tokoyami Todoroki but they hug me too and I just smile at them then I close my eyes "Sigh it feels weird that she didn't text me not even a single text or call did something happen to her but nothing happen she's in a call with Denki just a minute ago so I guess she is fine but why won't she text is she mad at me no she's not mad at me right there's probably reason that's all" I thought sighing "Ugh snapped out of it Aizawa you have to focus on being pro hero and teacher" I thought with a serious face "Sir are you okay" Class 1-A said "Yes I am" I said

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