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Ms.joke POV:
As we're shopping in the mall we see Eraser in there "Huh what is eraser doing in here" I thought "Uhm Nem let's go over there" I said dragging Nemuri "Huh why, eh wait I get it" Nemuri said "You can go Emi me and Kaminari will talk to Shota to distract him" Mic said "Eh why are you going to ignore sensei mom" Denki said "No more questions Kaminari we'll explain it to you later" Mic said "Oh okay" Denki said then the two walk to eraser while me and Nem walk to different path after 10 minutes we decided to check if Eraser still there Mic and Denki see us and walk directly to us "Sensei is gone no need to worry mom" Denki said "Oh okay btw did you ask why he's here" I said "Well yeah Shota said that he's here to buy Eri a clothes and teddy bear" Mic said "Oh okay" I said "Let's go shoppingggg!!!!!" Mic shouted and we cover our ear the people in mall looking at us "Mic lower your voice you do realize we are at the mall now people looking at us because of you" I said "Hehe sorry 😅" Mic said "Then what are we waiting for Emi let's go shopping" Midnight said "Yeahhh" Mic said more louder that before then we cover our ear again while the people from the mall also cover their ear "Mic I told you to lower your voice we are at the mall" I said angry "Haha sorry" Mic said scared "Ugh fine anyway let's go" I said "Yay let's go shopping" Denki said "What are you planning to buy Denki" I said "Well I will buy something for Jirou" Denki said shyly while blushing a bit "Awww that's cute my baby is inlove" I said "You like Jirou" Present Mic said surprised "Well I'm not surprised I can see how Denki look at Jirou It's pretty obvious that you like her actually I heard to all of your classmates have been talking about you having a crush on Jirou" Midnight said "Eh Ms. midnight does that mean Jirou also know that I like her" Denki said nervously in panic "Probably I mean it's so obvious" Midnight said "Ehhh but how comes Jirou never ignore me if she knew" Denki said "Duh doesn't mean you like her she have to ignore you" Midnight said "Maybe she feel the same or she never really know because she is tsundere like Aizawa because a tsundere person most of them are numb to haven't noticed that someone like them" Mic said "It's either kyoka like me or she haven't know it yet" Denki said "Yep buddy you see I like Aizawa but he doesn't notice it because he's tsundere busy on being a pro hero same as your crush, Mic said that she's a tsundere so I'm guessing she's also not notice about you liking her" I said "Wait you like sensei for real" Denki said "Yeah but don't tell him" I said "Of course I'll keep my mouth shut Mom" Denki said "Thanks buddy what do you want to buy for Jirou" I said "Yeah I'm curious too" Midnight said "Probably about music" Mic said "How you know" Denki said "Well isn't she like music" Mic said "Well yep how did you know sir" Denki said "Well I always see her with headphones" Mic said "Oh I see But first let's buy mom a clothes" Denki said "Yeah I'm tired of looking at Emi clothes she look like kidnapers" Midnight said "She keep hanging out with Shota that's why😑" Mic said  "Eh what is wrong wearing a shirt and pants" I said "Well duh there's nothing wrong with it but you could have at least wear it fashionable" Midnight said "Ugh why are you all hitting on my clothes" I said "forget that let's go shopping" Midnight said then Nemuri go shopping and pick a clothes then made me try it on which made me really embarrassed because it's showing my tommy and the other showing my curved, breast, I'm not really interested in that clothes but I have to wear it then pick the clothes who is less showing my chest I don't mind if the clothes showing my tommy because my tommy is not big at all Nemuri said that my body looks like a young woman so no need to be ashamed of it which is I'm grateful to have a friend like her even though she's the rated pro hero she wasn't actually like that maybe just a little bit, we were shopping for 3 hours when I got back to my house I was pretty exhausted Denki still in here so I cooked a food to eat then we eat after we finish I wash my hand same as Denki and then someone called me on the phone I pick up the phone to see Hawks calling me "Hey Hawks why did you call me" I said then Denki look at me confused "Can we hangout" Hawks said "Hawks it's literally 8:00 in the evening and you want to hangout" I said "C'mon we never hangout this day" Hawks said "Uh no I'm staying at my house because I was pretty exhausted" I said "Huh why are you exhausted" Hawks said "Well Hawks we just walk for almost 4 hours just because we we're shopping in the mall right now my legs are pretty tired" I said "Why did you walk all the way to the mall and back to your house, you know you could have just call me and carry you and fly you back to your house so it will be less tiring for you" Hawks said "Yeah I know that but I was with Denki Nem and Hizashi so no thanks Hawks" I said "Eh but still" Hawks said "I can't just leave Denki just because of you" I said "Yeah sure but isn't that Eraserhead student why is he hanging out with you is he doing something pervert because I heard something about him being a slight pervert" Hawks said "No Hawks he wasn't pervert like everyone said and I'm here to help him" I said "Help on what" Hawks said "Well about hero work, basic combat and he's pretty fun that I want to hangout with him besides I treated him as my own son" I said "Oh I see is it okay if I came there on your house since we haven't hangout this day" Hawks said "Yeah sure but don't make a mess okay" I said "Yep got it, I'll be there in 5 minutes" Hawks said "Isn't that too fast" I said "My wings are just too fast that's all" Hawks said "Are you flying already" I said "Well yeah" Hawk said "So that's why I kinda heard a noise from the air a bird chirping and the noise of wind because I'm guessing your flying too fast" I said "Yep anyway let's chat more when I got there" Hawks said "Of course Hawks I'll be waiting for you" I said about to end a call "Don't ended the call we we're still talking" Hawks said "Huh but I thought that well be talking later" Emi said "I know that, don't ended the call okay, so if something bad happen to you I can hear you and immediately go there to your house" Hawks said "Oh but your being too overprotective nothing gonna bad thing happens to me" I said then someone knock the door "I'm here now will you open the door I literally knock on your door already" Hawks said "He's already here I thought 5 minutes it's literally like 3 minutes not 5" I thought "Your impatient I'll open the door now" I said while walking to the door direction and open the door "Hello Emi" Hawks said and hugged me "Seriously why didn't you still ended the call" I said and ended the call while pushing him because he's hugging me "Yeah yeah can I come inside already" Hawks said while putting his phone on his pocket "Yeah whatever come in" I said then Hawks walk inside on my house then sit on the couch next to Denki "Hello your Denki right" Hawks said "Well yep I am may I ask what are doing in here Hawks" Denki said being overprotective to me "Uhmm just to chat with Emi since we didn't hangout this day so I came in her house" Hawks said "Oh I see but is that the only reason" Denki said with a deadly glare "Yes what with that look" Hawks said he's a bit scared "Then good or else I'll use my quirk on you even though your the number 2 pro I will kill if you did something bad on her" Denki said with a more scarier deadly glare "Of course kid" Hawks said a little bit nervous "He's so overprotective geez I didn't know he's scary I heard about him that people call him an idiot and not dangerous but tf is that" Hawks thought "Then we're good anyway I'll be staying here for a while" Denki said "Huh why are you still in here aren't you supposed to be in UA already you know there's a time limit in UA when they went outside right" Hawks said 'Well yeah It's 6:30 pm" Denki said "Then why are you still in here" Hawks said "I'm just chilling in here since it's pretty exhausted because of we walk for 4 hours so yeah and my tummy is still full because we eat dinner and Mom cook the food and it's delicious that I have eat a lot of it" Denki said "Hmm Denki you should go to UA now before someone look for you and worried about you pal" I said "Oh of course mom" Denki said then someone call on my phone I pick up the phone I looks at the phone who is calling me  it was Eraser I didn't answer the phone then Eraser keep calling me "Are you not going to answer the phone Emi, who's been calling you anyway that your not answering the phone call" Hawks said "You know who is it" I said "That's weird why would he called you" Hawks said "Yeah I know right he would never contact me" I said then there's a notification in my phone it was message from Eraser

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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